Things Marchman knows nothing about:
Things Marchman knows nothing about:
Well, your cluelessness perfectly exonerates him then.
Hahaha...thank you for that satire...everything from your user name to your statement there were no unethical activities in game journalism prior to 2007. :)
It's not important. You're being lied to right now as a consumer in many ways that you don't notice and integrate into your daily life. Hell, you think your voice as a consumer will influence an entertainment business's strategy (it won't; they'll only adjust tactics). And nepotism is bad? It's quite a leap from…
Way to strawman and completely miss the point. If you're truly concerned about those things, then find some actual evidence of it happening instead of continuing to spread rumors, gossip, half-truths, and outright lies. Otherwise, I'll continue assuming that you and your cohorts are self-obsessed losers with a…
Congrats for being such a good soldier for us voiceless peons.
I think consumers being lied to is important and I think nepotism is bad. Wow, I'm such a horrible person for that view.
"As the saying goes: If you want to make an Ethics Omlette, sometimes you have to scream at a lot of Females."
Jason even though you are an Unethical Game Journo Pros, (but mostly because you are a Man) I will be civil in the hopes of furthering polite discourse.
The accusations of the GamerGate trolls, even if actually true, are almost laughably pedestrian "offenses" that do not even remotely warrant the amount of outrage that results. "Ooooh, nepotism and award-fixing at a small indie games festival! Some developer's game got a better score because she was fucking the guy…
I think your behaviour is the most important thing. Being comfortable enough to say you're a feminist is good, but actually acting that way is what's important.
"I don't give a fuck about all these innocent black people being killed because I'm sick of seeing the phrase 'white men" written so callously! We need to deal with THAT racism first before we even CONSIDER the racism surrounding those dead black folks. AND YES THEY ARE BOTH THE SAME KIND OF RACISM" - ManBearPig618
Lawyer here! I can tell you authoritatively that police officers are not supposed to shoot people for "breaking the law". Aside from that, police officers have in the past stopped, detained or arrested people who were not, as it turned out, actually breaking any laws, because sometimes that happens.
"Just fucked Lynch AND Seattle no lie"—Pete Carroll's icebreaker
I'm probably in the minority here, but I find this type of thing to be kinda fucked up.
Tens of thousands of Boston-area men offering her cunnilingus right now.
You guys better check out RTJ2. Good album. Fun lines, dark atmosphere
you can download it for free from their website, definitely worth it.
I have never experienced assault at the hands of a male feminist, but I have experienced Macktivism for sure. I only trust men who listen more than they talk about feminism (in a conversation with women), who are feminist in actions but not necessarily name. I look for nuances in conversation, reactions to real world…
What's next? Are they going to ban dancing like the citizens of Elmore City? "NO, WE ARE NOT A PARTY OF INCREASINGLY SENILE AND IRRELEVANT OLD WHITE MEN."