
The cop in this case was a woman.

She. Female officer. Probably Inuit.

The RNC is going to be such a s#!tshow. I can't wait!

Okay, I'm going with English isn't his first language. Please let that be the case.

Yup, that little hypocritical bitch sowed it, now she can reap the fuck out of this particular harvest. One thing Holly forgot about sluts, we aren't nice girls, but we sure are warm and welcome. Come on in Holly, you'll fit right in with the rest of us sinful whores.

Let me be clear, Chuckie boy here deserves a good cunt punt (literal? metaphorical? both?) himself. There are no winners here, firmly on Team No One!

Yeah, I like it. I enjoy when hypocrites with large followings get exposed. What, just because she's a woman we can't talk about this? No one seems to care when male philanderers get exposed...she's a public figure, she's fair game. ESPECIALLY given the causes she advocates. And oh, spouses cheating on active duty

I know I'm supposed to feel sorry for the woman cause apparently it's okay for women to cheat but I really don't. If it wasn't him it was gonna be someone else. You can't act all high and mighty when you got skeletons in your own closet. Plus she cheated on her husband who is a soldier so as far as I'm concerned,

Yeah, no. She spent her little fifteen minutes preaching on tea party radio shows about how other people should live. She deserves whatever scrutiny comes her way. Can't walk the walk, don't talk the talk as loud as you can.

Slut-shaming is absolutely no-go territory, but I do not see any problem with pointing out the absurd degree of hypocrisy here. Holly made a name for herself in the rwnj-o-sphere trading on her status as the loyal, good Christian, patriotic military wife. She threw her metaphorical street cred around to demean other

oh but also: "You've forced us all to sympathize with Holly Hobby Lobby." haha nope.

So what she is saying is she made a mistake but will rather not be held to consequences for the rest of her life. Now forgive her so she can return to burning those witchy slutty baby murdering feminazis on the twitter stake. Umm ... Nope.

It depends on how your state licenses restaurants, as well. There are places where you could lose your license for serving food that you did not prepare. The other thing is in this case, especially if the couple did pay for food and had a receipt showing that they did, it would be difficult for the restaurant to prove

Sorry, I can't find it in myself to feel sorry for this woman. She is just terrible, very slut-shamey and condescending.

Sorry(notsorry), but I have zero sympathy for her. Most of the time I think that what goes on in a marriage should be between spouses and none of my concern, but when people or politicians make it their business to slut shame women, and to burn on other people's "family values," then they have made their family

"You've forced us all to sympathize with Holly Hobby Lobby."

I'm going to get a lot of hate BUT she did slut-shame other women. I actually don't have it in me to be upset on her behalf. She is anti-abortion, pro hobby-lobby . . . just everything I'm against. I dislike people who judge others knowing they've made similar mistakes. He's a douche too. I dislike both of them,

Scuse my language but fuck that cunt. All of them should be drowned in a river. Not a single person involved in this story has any claim for sympathy. Terrible terrible terrible people.

#TeamNoOne is growing by leaps and bounds these days.

I couldn't follow a word of this. I began to try again, and then realized I don't care.