I promise you, the trucker didn't have a legitimate reason to be in the left lane.
I promise you, the trucker didn't have a legitimate reason to be in the left lane.
Yeah, no, some things are just so completely ridiculous as to be perfectly warranted of public ridicule. If an organization went around claiming the earth was flat or the moon was made of cheese, the response would not be "well, you have the right to your own beliefs on things", it would be well-deserved mockery.
Stop wasting our time and tell us who Andy Cohen is.
Well the easiest answer for you there is yes, within reason they can.... Airways used for navigation in the sky are only so wide as 8 nautical miles below 18,000 feet. Above that they become Jet Routes. A Jet Route has no set width per-se but there are constraints about deviation from course on IFR flight plans which…
I guess the question is "How can white people be supportive of the issue without seeming to demean or take over the issue? " If white people don't talk talk about what they do in the situation, then the narrative is that white people are ignoring the issue (which so many do). If white people talk about the issue,…
I find most of this essay very powerful. One area I wonder about is where you think good white people feel like they should be rewarded - what should good white people do then? Not delete trolls? Not be outraged? Keep the outrage to themselves? I understand the frustration of people seemingly wanting to be…
"... paints the Old Testament God as an angry, petulant child willing to murder hundreds of thousands of people because he's impatient and bored."
On the other hand, THIIIIIIIIS.
You may not accuse me of racism, sexism, blah blah-ish without asking me for my point of view first. I may or may not choose to give it to you.
Fucking moron: someone incapable of discerning between unlike things, shitting themselves in public and demanding compliments on the smell.
Hunter wants to be outspoken against homosexuality, but only on his own terms. I see no reason for reporters to cater to his terms.
Good. Fuck him and his Bieber hair.
As an actor, he shouldn't be boxing - he could end up being disfigured somehow.
Explain Han Solo using Luke's in Episode V. :)
One question: don't you need to be Force-sensitive to wield a lightsaber? Of course, a man of Batman's means could just buy a transfusion of midichlorians or something, if some convenient plot point doesn't already make him a latent Force wielder.
You should be! You're being deliberately obtuse, but I'm not surprised. That's par for the course for liberals these days. Imagine your outrage if Lena Dunham was a conservative or better yet, a man who confessed to having done these things to his little brother or sister growing up. My God, your f-ing heads would…