
Why are we acting like this is only about her touching her 1 year old sister's vagina when she was 7 and not also about emotionally coercing her sister into sleeping in her bed and then masturbating while she sleeps? And about paying her sister in candy to give her long kisses on the lips? And about paying her sister

I'm pretty sure she's being scolded for the right reasons: i.e. being an oversharing, solipsistic, privileged twit who thinks every damn thought that crosses her brain is a Precious Pearl That Needs to Be Expressed to the World.

I hate to white knight Madge, but, having been through a similar situation, sometimes you just have to stop trying to fix someone's life. That doesn't mean you stop caring.

I find babies covered in food to be one of the most disgusting photo features ever. After being a mom, I doubled-down.

Your red vulva shirt was probably weird, too.

I will forever treasure Preserve's prose due to the glory that was "backyard-cum-feasting-hall."

But the thing is, Lena's "brand" for lack of a better word is "trailblazing millennial feminist" while Mindy doesn't seem to really want to be the voice of her sex or race or generation. She's too concerned with just being funny, something Lena Dunham knows nothing about. I find Mindy to be more groundbreaking in this

I watched the original Gamergate thing unfold out of some silly blog and Youtube video. The only corruption actually cited was Kotaku. The movement then spawned out of a whole bunch of hypothetical (like what if Totilo had sex with Sarkeesian) then ended with a cry of "CORRUPTION."

What legitimate discourse? GamerGate hasn't delved into examining the ethical issues in video game journalism at all. What they have done is a lot of slut-shaming, making threats and acting like complete assholes.

Tinder Girls who work hard and play hard, Tinder Girls looking for partners in crime, Tinder Girls who think they are nerds. You could go on and on. That is why posts like these are stupid. No one in this world is completely original. Which reminds me of how many women describe themselves as weird.

I would laugh in a man's face if he seriously asked me if I had email.

No sarcasm this might be my favorite comment in all of Gawkerdom.

You don't speak for me! Despite my sentiments exactly, I would have been considerably more coherent and straight forward in my disgust while adding a few explicit words of denigration.

Clueless bigot is clueless.

Hahaha yup, I feel good seeing a racist, sexist harasser get their feelings hurt. Therefore I'm exactly the same as harassers who threaten peoples lives. Get out of here with that BS. Go back to 8chan with your friends and cry about how oppressed you are.

A crime is never the victim's fault, but leaving a window open that is easily accessed from the street without so much as a motion-activated flood light, let alone a security system, in a neighborhood that the victim knows to be a high-crime area - and with an infant at risk to boot - is naive & irresponsible at best.

Conflating safety tips to with victim blaming is disingenuous and dangerous. Sure, no one should ever violate anyone ever. Since some people don't ascribe to that rule, taking steps to protect yourself isn't bad advice. It is like saying terrorism shouldn't exist, so we shouldn't have anti-terror efforts.

Holy shit, she's 33 years old?! Wow. She doesn't look a day over 2. Good for her.

Jesus, this is the stupidest fucking argument ever, and I have seen some stupid fucking arguments. If you walk through life til the age of 25 in the United States not knowing that there are multiple ways to prepare eggs, you have to be almost willfully stupid or have a severe mental deficit.

"I excel at avoiding the ubiquitous. . ."