
If I like something, I’ll buy it. This applies more to music than to movies, but even when illegal downloading was the go-to thing, like in the Napster days, I still mainly was downloading stuff that was rare or hard to find. I mean I did my share of convenience downloading, but I was a broke college student. As an

I’m partial to the Slot. It’s a sub-blog of Jez, but at least it specifically focuses on politics, for better or worse.

What’s gonna happen is when level-headed folks talk to Trump and come away saying middle of the road things like “constructive” Trump will absolutely use that to absolve him of past/future transgressions against people. So the next time a John Lewis criticizes him, he’ll be all “MLK’s son LOVES me! Said I was best

I think it’s been shown that when his tweets come from iPhone, it means someone else is tweeting for him, and when it’s from Android it’s usually what you expect from the real him. But I can’t find where to see that information any more, maybe Twitter removed it.

He’s a well-known troll who posts replies that are just a little too obviously meant to stir up controversy (this time referring to the refugees as “black” showing that even though he supposedly cares about their situation he can’t be bothered to determine their ethnicity and race).

Dude is barely even trying these days.

The figures have been inching up to the $28 territory but that still puts the whole set shy by about a figure’s worth of money.

I thought they got people to do the Real World by getting viewers to send in tapes and then picking people. As in, people seek out the Real World, not the other way around.

Nothing good ever happens in Punta Gorda.

Momotaro sounds a little too close to Tomato for my tastes.

My friend’s first car was a Dodge Aries that had been a company car at the place his dad worked. 1985 K car...couple thing:

Can we agree to stop giving this guy the time of day.

I love how fake news tries to call other news fake news. The old “I know you are but what am I” defense.

Wow. Go home Wikileaks, you’re drunk.

According to WL’s AMA, they specifically timed their leaks to be the most damaging to Clinton because that’s what their source told them to do. So yeah, fuck them.

Wikileaks also tried to shit on the Intelligence dept for not citing their sources. Beause Wikileaks loves to tell people its sources.

Thanks, me too. You hear about this shit but it never feels real until it happens somewhere nearby. My brother lives in Orlando and was like a half mile from Pulse when that happened. I guess as time goes on there’s going to be more and more folks who this type of things hits really close to.

I believe Esteban Santiago is the first suspect. The bald guy is one of the later people taken into custody.

Har har 5 people died.

This is 15 minutes away from me; my dad just flew out of there yesterday. Nobody really seems to know much about what is currently going on, listening to live news broadcasts currently.