
Valid point. But Kratochvilova really did cheat a lot of others in the past 30+ years. As someone else wrote, the most talented female in 800M history, the one who would now hold the world record if everyone ran clean, is Mozambique's Maria Mutola. Damn shame she was cheated of the opportunity to prove she was the

I hereby dedicate my next injection of Dianabol to her.


A great win, and credit to Wenger for getting his tactics right and to the players for executing. But the reality is that only three teams in the PL are willing to spend what it takes to build a team that can compete for the title, and of those three I most prefer City. So I'm slightly disappointed with the result,

I think you'll be surprised. It's only when a player is good that there's a dilemma. If this were JJ Watt you'd see some "we can't comment on an active investigation" bullshit from the NFL, but this guy? He's practically got "sacrificial lamb" tattooed on his forehead.

What are you, 15? I've been 28, the age at which Konrad retired, and I've been 38, the age at which he allegedly swam 9 miles. Believe me, whatever physical gifts he once had are not "still mostly there".

I'm not using it as a reason; I'm using it as an example. Football players don't train for endurance or for aerobic performance. They train for strength and power. If you disagree, feel free to ask any football player, anywhere, what his most recent time was for a 5K run (let alone a nine mile run, let alone a nine

No, I didn't.

There's a very important lesson to learn here, kids: if you're going to hit a family member, make sure there aren't any video cameras around.

James Bond took a bad guy out with a ski pole in For Your Eyes Only this way.

Almost as if the two are related somehow...

No, it means he WAS a world class athlete when he retired ten years ago.

Yeah, thank God those mature, considerate adults in Hollywood and DC don't do this kind of stuff.

First, his salary is not $120M. His contract might, over its six year lifetime, be worth up to $120M, assuming he doesn't retire due to injury, etc.

His analogies are more tortured than a...guy who makes really, really tortured analogies.

Was hoping the Stephen A imitation would involve blaming the reindeer for provoking Santa.

"Also, I'm thirsty." - Tracy Morgan, 30 Rock)

This is something I've never understood: why isn't possession of stolen electronic goods treated the same as possession of stolen physical goods?

New here?

Agreed. RS should switch to the Gawker Media model: don't fact check anything, ever.