Ice cubes are cheap and readily available. So it is a almost free way to improve the accuracy of the test.
Ice cubes are cheap and readily available. So it is a almost free way to improve the accuracy of the test.
There is some serious flaw in the test; why use baseball? Why not use ice cubes? They have very different physical properties. Ice cubes are much harder, but they are also much more brittle. I’m sure the result could have been different.
Genuine question, if you ever get to ask SpaceX: Why landing them separately? Why not land them together (on land)?
It’s not as simple as holding the last renter responsible.
Lawsuit coming in 3, 2, 1, ...
It’s no big deal. The “thieves” are just washed up celebs. There is no crime. There is nothing to see. Move on people.
I bet you can get a real tank and retrofit it to road legal for under $2M.
There are different degrees of bullshitness. $2,000 more than website price? Sure as hell I ain’t buying here.
I don’t know how many people are aware of this; but LONG before anyone talked about electric cars, Chinese people have been putting electric motors on bicycles and trikes en mass. Last time I visited back in 2006, electric bikes and trikes out numbered pedal-powered bikes by a large margin.
In the grand scheme of things, *quality* of OEM headlights is a trivial matter. They all work at normal driving speed.
How long does the battery last? Or are these “dogs” powered by a giant battery hidden inside the box truck?
Over a dozen years ago, I came up with the idea of covering the moon with remote-controlled reflectors, and use it as a giant billboard.
That’s called running a yellow; not against the law.
A person walks into the dealership; he looks at Veloster, finds it attractive; sales guy says “you know, for a few dollars more per month, you can get this special edition with more power and everything”.
Someone who doesn’t have internet.
I thought so too; but I can’t find a better explanation for what’s happening; why does it help to reduce the sampling frequency at output stage? Hard for me to imagine the MP3 compression algorithm let you down sample *before* decoding. So the only explanation I had was the CPU can decode fast enough, but had trouble…
My second computer had a 486 DX-33; it was too slow to play MP3 at 44k hz, so I had to play all my songs at half sampling rate. Not sure why the CPU is the bottleneck; I suspect maybe the sound card of that time require lots of work from CPU?
It’s a short-term vs long-term profit thing. I used to fly a lot. Say to go from Los Angeles to Las Vegas; why drive 5 hours, when you can fly in 2 hours? Sure I still have to spend time to go to the airport, and spend time waiting, but it’s easier to sit there and relax than to drive.
I have no problem with people in front of me reclining his/her seat during flight; I can do the same. I do have a big problem with people keeping their seats reclined during takeoff and landing, after repeated call from the PA system, and on a few occasions, after being told in person by a flight attendant repeatedly.…