What’s the tow rating, compared to a “regularly priced” Silverado HD Dually?
What’s the tow rating, compared to a “regularly priced” Silverado HD Dually?
So, beside cooling (and gear ratio), can you list other major factors in determining the towing capacity?
They can EASILY make your refund bigger, you know, by requiring all employers to withhold way more tax than necessary.
uhual charges by the mile, which would have costed more than the value of that old sofa.
Many years ago I got a free sofa from a friend; just needed a way to move it to my apartment. So I tried to rent one of these truckfrom HD; they won’t, because I didn’t buy anything from HD. So I bought a piece of 2x4, which definitely doesn’t fit inside of my Honda Civic; they still won’t, because they already knew…
Most cars can tow a small trailer; a small trailers can haul pretty much anything money can buy at Home Depot, except full pallet of concrete or cinder blocks.
So what do you want? Men pay more in every single states? No? Men pay 200% more, women pay nothing? Just say what you want already.
Because that’s a semi-plausible reason to take more money out of your pocket.
I use Fumoto valves, so draining the oil is trivial. But all my cars have oil filter in the bottom, in the most hard to reach places. Take my NC Miata for example; I have not yet managed to *not* spill the entire content of the filter when trying to maneuver it out of the tight space.
What’s the fastest selling cars? I mean normal cars, not those limited production runs that get sold even before public announcement.
I don’t watch Nascar, so I don’t get why they can’t force some delays between drivers exiting the pit lane? Say someone just left, the next driver will have to wait 10s before leaving. I imagine 10s is big enough of a gap to eliminate any kind of slipstream. What’s wrong with this?
Silly Ghosn; should have just asked for more money, just like other CEOs.
Rebadged Sprinter?
Moving into a space that’s occupied by a solid object? Meet my definition of “ram”.
Yes, he deserves it too. The whole thing started when he (looks to me) intentionally rammed the other rider.
How much would that paint job cost in the USA?
A few years ago we took Amtrak from Los Angeles to San Diego and back for a business trip. The supposed benefit is that despite being slower, there is wifi on the train so we can work if we want to, and enjoy the ocean view when we don’t want to work.
Maybe FCA should merge with Tesla?
$5400/year sounds high. But, what’s the average payout per year? Is it $5,000/year, or is $500/year? If the former, I can’t blame the insurance company; if later, that’s criminal.