
I had a company install a bunch of recessed lights; in the process they took down 3 ceiling fans. They asked me if I want to keep the fan; I said yes. A few minutes later, I noticed one guy walking with 2 fan hubs toward his car. I asked him, and he said “you only wanted that one fan”. WTF!!!

The 8-speed in my Durango isn’t bad in general; but there is this one thing that grinds my gear: the shift paddles are mounted on the steering wheel. Imagine driving the car in manual mode: stop at intersection, car drops down to 1st gear automatically, drive off and make a right turn. Before finishing the turn, the

BMW’s SMG (sequential manual) comes close to a real manual box; a manual box driven by some teenager still in the thick end of the learning curve.

True; no risk, no reward.

Maybe he is just trying to retire? You know, do something bad, and receive a golden parachute? Mad respect to him for not doing something worse, like forcing sexual favor from subordinates, or selling out company secrets. You know, he could have got $120M, but instead, he choose something much more modest.

My prediction: Model Y will be a pickup truck.

Back in school I was specifically told by multiple grammar teachers that nobody is allowed to use four semicolons in a loosely defined sentence. That’s their exact words.

particularly with the implementation of General Motors’ new global electrical system

particularly with the implementation of General Motors’ new global electrical system

Just turn the car seat around already. Problem solved.

Just turn the car seat around already. Problem solved.

Just turn the car seat around already. Problem solved.

Given the fact that both crashes happened during takeoffs, I’d say the ban is overly broad. Just ban these planes below 5,000ft. Colorado can get an exemption.

They tried; but all the cars came too fast.

You probably already know, freedom is freedom; it doesn’t matter how we get there; it doesn’t matter how many people die in the process. The freedom dropped out of a B52 bomber is no different than the freedom coming out of a M16 carbine; sure the later is a smaller version of the former, but it is just as pure!

Bernie? He wants socialism, lame socialism. Communism or nothing, man! Never compromise!

Based on my experience from playing early racing games on computers, I’d say that’s not a good idea. Constantly bouncing between max steering angle to the left and max steering angle to the right doesn’t seem to produce the smoothest ride.

What a waste of money and people and resources. Just wait a few more years, then the USA will switch to communism. World peace at last.

Look at my keyboard; it has 104 buttons of all kinds of size and shape; they are very closely spaced; they are sensitive to the touch; yet I managed to type this message without screwing up. Hello, Mercedes, you have found your next driver!

...I didn’t make an error mistake in grammar...