Why is “aggressive” design a desirable trait? How come we don’t praise cars for being “mellow”?
Why is “aggressive” design a desirable trait? How come we don’t praise cars for being “mellow”?
EV is only a stepping stone. Eventually, it’ll come full circle: sun -> solar panels -> electricity -> factory that converts CO2 and H2O to gasoline -> sweet V4 engine in every car.
Yeah right; I’m sure the heads of all three countries are cooler than ice-milk-coffee.
A few years ago, a couple of middle aged ladies in my neighborhood went door to door to try to convince people to start an HOA.
So true...
I want half of my money to be $1B by 2023.
When they do that, you’ll probably complain about the massive overtime pay for the cops!
Fixed it for you.
That surely looked like a Mustang.
I hope this is a true story.
According to Apple, “self driving” means “drive the car yourself”
Having been trapped in the snow since Thursday February the 7th, I do not enjoy snownuts.
4-day trip? In a tiny country like Japan? Does it go in circles for, like, 30 times?
You missed the most important modification: this particular Prius works in the right lane.
The next silverado.
Maybe kids should be allowed to get their own credit cards at 13. Of course there should be severe limits; the maximal amount of credit must be low; there can’t be any debt collecting non sense; etc.
Certain more deserving than some random raisin farmer in California.
There isn’t enough pink PT Cruisers.
In an alternate universe,
I did some math.