
Depends on how many Car & Coffee it mowed through.

Because he can.

I guess you have never seen “Wall Drugs” billboard?

So what happens if a train stops on it? Does it catch fire?

Just the other day my fishing line got snagged on something heavy 200ft at the ocean bottom. I wonder what it was...

I miss riding very much. Before moving to the PNW, my commute was consisted of a 9-mile stint snaking through the Santa Monica mountain, followed by a 9-mile gentle cruise down the Pacific Coast highway, plus 2-mile on local street. The motorcycle commute was my twice-daily meditation session.

when a toy monkey was displayed to taunt black co-workers

A few years ago I quit riding after two scary accidents. In the first accident I was waiting in the center median to make a left turn; this guy drove straight down the median like a regular lane and clipped my handle bar; somehow I managed to jump off the bike at the last moment; and by a even higher miracle, I also

Two 3-wheelers!

I want them out of the left lane.

The whole thing is a fake; a BMW pretending to be Supra.

Is any of the turn signal wiring harnesses plugged in?

I’m not saying today’s race format is not without merit. But if FIA really wants more passing, that’s a sure-fire way to get more passing. Good drivers will still get to the front. It just adds a bit more drama and a bit more unpredictability.


No, you obviously scrap qualifying altogether. Use all of that time for free practice. To determine who is faster, just look at the championship points. For the season-starter, use championship ranking from previous year. For new drivers and drivers who hasn’t scored any points, use random ordering.

That’s some very odd marketing strategy. Would you visit a store BECAUSE of massively inflated price in the ad?

I said it before and I’ll say it again: if you want more overtaking, change the starting grid; put the faster drivers in the back; problem solved.

Doing 85 top down in a Miata is fast enough for me.

1st gear: what’s the big deal for ultra-premium manufactures like Aston Martin? People who can afford them will still buy them after a 30% price hike.

I can only hope that the 4-banger inherit the “indestructible” gene, and becomes the next 1,000hp tuner.