
My advice: fix the dent; skip the rent.

What makes a car unsightly?

6 months under fresh water. I doubt anything would fire up again after even a few days in salt water.

LOL Driverless revolution.

Move to Seattle. Most of the rainy months don’t actually rain; instead it is a light drizzle; enough to keep the top up, but not enough to keep windows closed.

Garcia’s license has been suspended since April 2012

I think it won’t be that hard to solve the “shits that’ll fall in” problem. Today’s automatic shifter has this blocking plate underneath. I don’t see why gated shifter can’t use something like that.

+1 on AAA membership.

No can do Sir. Fewer and fewer cars come with spare tire.

Let me guess: trying to lower the rear of the trailer in order to unload it; tongue slipped out of the 5th wheel coupler? Normally that’d be no big deal; but this time it is on a hill. But still, shouldn’t there be a safety chain or two to keep things together?

Why call it A8? Why not A12?

1st gear: it doesn’t look good for Japan. It is almost like prosecutors are playing dirty tricks. “We might not end up proving any crime; but we surely can make him stay in a prison cell for as long as we want!”

That’s actually impressive!

I see it differently; it is a proof of concept, and a successful one.

tl;dr: a person from the land of the FREE and the home of the BRAVE got scared by freedom.

An american union boss driving a Ferrari, paid by hush money from american auto maker. Oh the irony!

I forget to bring the phone from time to time. Never forgot to bring the watch; can’t do that; it is strapped to my wrist.

This. Multimatic’s trick Spool Valve is only available on the Camaro. Why?

A US company to handle the assembly plus whatever modifications necessary to meet US safety standard? The out of door price will probably be $30,000 more than the equivalent Chinese price.

Saikawa should just shut up. The more he talks, the more it look like a whack job.