
“Translation Server Error” remains my favorite English name of all time.

Real question: what happens next?

there’s no proof that he had sexual relations with the women while they were underage

That’s a pretty small and narrow island. The crash has to be intentional.

After interviewing every single bank robber on this planet, I have come to the conclusion that they were all just joking.

You name your start up “Evelozcity”???

“semi-autonomous” is just a fancier way to say “zoombie”.

If a publicly-traded company buys Tesla, is it considered “taking it private”?

So, how come there is no insurance discount for manual cars?

How about just let them be? As long as it is legal, let them be; if things go extra-legal, let the police deal with it. Counter-protesting does exactly the opposite; it amplifies their voices. Just ignore them.

This is exactly what not to do.

Jeff can buy a wet dream.

Don’t see the big deal... Throw in another hydrogen tank and boom you have 600 mile range.

from a rational standpoint, thou shall not buy a BMW.

Suppose the cap is 10,000 drivers for ride sharing. What happens if there are 10,001 capable, safe, not-sex-predator, not-child-predator, not-rapist, not-terrorist, not ex-con, not violent, not over-due-on-child-support-payment, not-out-on-bail drivers who want to drive for ride share companies?

Absolutely. But, you get to face off in front of a supposedly impartial judge.

You want a 100% sure way to “reduce speeds, accidents, and injuries”? Ban cars.

Without due process, speed cameras can EASILY be calibrated to be “wrong” to the benefit of their operators.

Should have partnered with Chrysler and name it the “Pacifica Satan.

VW designed their cheat for on the dyno with a tailpipe probe. It wasn’t an OBDII cheat.