
Why bother?

So the thing may or may not work in 2028? I’d stop the funding earlier unless there is better guarantee that it’ll work for many more years.

... where the other ship is namd “Tytanik”.

Mean while, the other political party just want to talk about it while racking up trillions of dollars in debt without doing anything. Actually, it is worse, they actively prevent other people from doing things as well.

Driving 45mph on freeway is an invitation for diaster. But, I get your point.

Can’t wait for the bubble to burst.

So the janitor, the cook, and the guy sitting behind the front desk, they all “choose” to enter the congested part of this city?

It just might work.

Too late. The damage is done. You are a zombie now. Just give up.

Fake oil pressure and temperature gauges that calculate their readings by engine load.

Mr Euclides had a eureka moment!

So a motorcycle doing 17mph collided with a car doing 12mph, and now we have a lawsuit?

A truck transporting 3,000 eggs

No, it is about choice. Just like in real life, some people buy the absolutely cheapest product despite shitty quality, while other people seek out high quality products despite higher cost.

Great idea. But, the money has to come from somewhere. Uber is already subsidizing each and every ride. In the end, the wool has to come from the sheep. So one way or another, either Uber raises the price across the board to pay more to better drivers, or implement tipping.

Should have named it “Auto-Suicide”. Might get them out of a few lawsuit in the future.

In the case of Uber, I have a solution: automatic tipping based on recent driver rating. A driver with 5.0 average rating from the last 30 days gets 20% tip; a 4.5 rating gets 15% tip; etc.

Lexus drivers are killing Lexus.

Due to the deteriorating flying conditions, I refuse to fly anymore. There are plenty of interesting destinations within driving distance.

If I were the head of Lexus, I’ll install software to automatically move the car out of left lane in steady cruise, to automatically use pull out on two-lane back country roads. The negative image from all those Lexus-driving assholes have already ruined the brand.