We must be watching different video. The one I watched has deterministic flareups at fixed location on fixed interval.
We must be watching different video. The one I watched has deterministic flareups at fixed location on fixed interval.
I watched one of the 4k fireplace video on Amazon during Christmas. It was basically a 2-minute video on loop. I kinda expected the loop; but only 2-minute of actual footage? Come on!
Going along the same logic, why does it even have windows at all? I’d like my self-driving car to be a tank.
The question is, is it a private event, or is it just a bunch of nudists deciding to go to a public water park?
Yes. Same answer if your adult passenger doesn’t have driver license.
A backward-facing infant car seat in middle of the back seat works best. Make sure to spend decent amount on a realistic looking doll, and cover her up with layers of blanket.
Take two Bolts, cut off the rear half just at the B-pillar, then weld the two rear halves together. Two rows of bench seats facing each other, completely symmetric so no extra cost for the left-hand driving worlds.
How often do you look behind you while approaching an intersection that’s ahead of you?
Do bicycles have A-pillar? Or are cyclists blind? I commuted on bicycle for many years. Never once did I play the “I have the right of way” game. Because I understand even if I win, I still lose.
Always wondered, how do you get out if the car flip over? Lambo doors, gull wing doors, basically, any type of doors that opens upward. If the car flips over, are there any emergency mechanism that allow them to open somehow?
All successful self-driving companies are testing with Lexus.
The city defines an abandoned vehicle as a vehicle that has not been registered 180 days after the date on which the plates have expired or ...
ponying up $370 million in various public incentives
The HOV board members should be the guinea pigs for any new policy.
When my mid-size sedan was destroyed in a brutal rear-end accident, committed by a full-size pickup truck, I bought a full size pickup truck as replacement. First time I drove that thing, “oh shit how am I going to fit in any parking spot”.
Is there anyway to find out if the airbags in my cars are made by Takata?
The rain-sensing wiper on my Durango is so bad. Sometimes it’ll let a lot of water accumulate n the windshield; sometimes it’ll go into crazy-fast mode when there is barely any water on the glass.
As much as I dislike car dealerships, this is not a good example.
I use a piece of painter tape; it works fine.