
A theory out of thin air: these cars are not the final products for sale to end user. They are shipped to China, where they gets further customized to meet local market requirement, and get new VIN once done. Or they are sold to Chinese military, which has a different set of requirement than civilian ones.

Kirsten Lee is a good fit. She is fancy; no, she is fancier than Clarkson.

Even if the GPS system was hacked, there should still be enough people on watch duty to spot the danger.

Does this diesel engine use Urea injection? If so, that’s another expense, and hassle.

Thanks for the translation. I don’t understand a single word from the FB post.

Tel Aviv is in Asia.

Yeah, right. Let’s stack one wobbly Jenga tower on top another one!


But what if I always forget to turn off blinkers?

Try a 6.2L V8 combined with shitty 2nd gear synchro.

lol. Great way to keep all the statues too; just add a Ulysses Grant statue in the act of kicking!

do people seriously still use staplers?

How about a battery trailer? A trailer with 1,000lbs of battery, enough juice to go 400 miles. Easier to hook up, easier to return.

a person making $50k/year with a $400 car payment is that same as someone making $200k/year with a $1600 car payment.

How exactly do you “sell to the youth”?

You buy a tomato. The previous owner of that tomato is the farmer, who took real good care of it.

Theory: let’s make it cheaper to borrow money, so people can start new businesses and create new jobs.

No, not all life are worth saving.

By 2100, there won’t be any traditional hammers for sale; they are just too dumb. If you accidentally aim that hammer at your thumb instead of the nail, that bloody stupid thing will smash your thumb! So all the new hammers will have a variety of safety features built in: young children lock out, HUI prevention,

Can’t even get a uniform color for that much money!