IIRC, if they get 50 seats plus the White House, they can just nuke the filibuster entirely.
IIRC, if they get 50 seats plus the White House, they can just nuke the filibuster entirely.
Even if they don’t, John McCain can still go fuck himself.
Well, according to 538, the Dems have a 72% chance to win the Senate so John McCain can go fuck himself.
While drag as a part of gay culture gets an exemption from being characterized as “dragface” much of the time (either as a mockery of women, whether cis, trans, or both - especially since a good number of “drag” performers are actually trans - however there are a few gay performers who don’t get a pass - most notably…
Ann O’Leary’s job is to get Clinton elected. I could argue that if she wasn’t considering how policies and decisions may impact the election, then she isn’t doing her job.
Ordinarily, this would go without saying, but... YOU CAN’T HELP ANYBODY IF YOU DON’T GET ELECTED.
Oh quit. This is nothing but a bunch of staffers speculating on what they could change with an unfriendly Congress. Aren’t journalists supposed to have some kind of understanding of context? Another boring boring email of nothing.
Is Mike Pence aware that one of his campaign’s top surrogates cannot use half of the public restrooms in his state?
Advance third parties in down-ticket races. Showing up once every four years to crow about the political process is not enough. If you’re (general you) not active in down-ticket races, then it’s time to ask yourself what your actual motives are in complaining.
I just want to be like oh cool, so if you vote for Stein, and Trump somehow wins, your conscience will feel great?
Jill Stein is not the solution to your issues with Clinton. Get involved with local politics.
Must be nice to live in a solidly blue state. You probably don’t have to worry about getting shot at or run off the road for having a “Hillary” bumper sticker on your car. I wish I were using hyperbole here, but I’m not.
There are a zillion good reasons why neither one of these people should be president, but it’s not gonna work on anyone who wants to say shit like “I live in a solidly blue state, so I have the luxury of voting with my conscience and choosing the candidate I think is best fit for the job, and that’s Dr. Stein.”
I can’t wait to wake up and find I was only dreaming about people actively trying to turn the United States into a third-world dictatorship.
“But I also feel like she was a selfish sociopath”
It would be so hilarious if Melania files for divorce right after the election.
If it stops on 11/8, I will be thrilled. I have a sense that he’s going to be poisoning the system for a long time to come.
It’s even harder to believe that people still want to vote for him (cough cough dad cough cough).
It’s hard to believe one person can contain this amount of stupid.