“If you see a video game Kickstarter asking for less than, oh, say, $200,000 (aka: a year’s salary for four people working at below-average rates), you probably shouldn’t back it.”
“If you see a video game Kickstarter asking for less than, oh, say, $200,000 (aka: a year’s salary for four people working at below-average rates), you probably shouldn’t back it.”
Why drag WWE into this?
Starred for truth. I’ve read a lot about gun violence and you can’t do that without learning about gun usage: in every armed rebellion since the start of the 20th century, the rebels are entirely ineffective without heavy weapons. Without mortars and artillery and tanks and jets and anti-aircraft weapons the rednecks…
Steven Colbert, as always, does a great job striking a balance between comedian and consummate professional when approaching virtually any topic. It is because of him that somebody my own age - a millenial, not yet quite 30 - is watching the Late Show, of all things, something I’d have absolutely guffawed at the idea…
Another difference is that Colbert is actually funny.
She is not the worst wedding guest.
Don’t forget about the part where he essentially forced Milwaukee to pay for a stadium for the least relevant team in basketball as he accepted generous campaign funding from the owners who should have been paying for the stadium.
Public sector Wisconsin worker here. You’re not allowed to hate him more than I am.
In a just world he would be the world leader in getting hit by trains;
I like you, too. But I lust Spike.
I’d consider him a solid 9.5 in terms of punchability.
The last thing anybody needs to see is me naked.
I loved that scene. I said “Oh that’s bait” and then Max said the same thing.