I Am No One

You take that back! Nobody badmouths Kitty Pryde!

I kept the name my cat's shelter gave him: Marvin The Martian.

To steal and adapt from the late great Robin Williams: Bicycling! Men wearing pants so tight you can tell what religion they are! YES!

"YOU are the ones who are the ball lickers!" -Jay

"men being assholes in every form of media"

Yaoi Disney Prince Genderbending? I don't know how I feel abouOH WHO AM I KIDDING THAT'S AWESOME.

Lizbian Lezard?

The world wasn't ready for intact Crunchie bars.... and besides, then they look like turds.

Yawara and Cross Game seem pretty grounded for sports anime.

Apparently if you spend it at a Panera you'll also get a cookie.

That haircut grills burgers without a shirt on.

I was like, "All those words make sense... but what is a racing demon?"

Wasn't that Warren Buffet's advice? Something like... You want to get rich? Buy an index fund and hold it for 30 years. Everything else is risky.

GOD DAMN pedantics makes me so horny.

Entropy, as it affects the web, means that eventually all sites will achieve the same lukewarm temperature and cat gifs.

Brutally ironic gif...

...This isn't the weather person in question, is it? Because for a moment there, I was blinded, dizzied, completely fooled, and already halfway into a sternly worded letter before my fever broke.

It's like there's all this Rage on the Streets... until a Dragon Doubles down on justice.

As in "Rantum Scantum is that one Kip Winger side project, yeah?"

"Please use the included string for 'waving hello' during the selfie."