
I would never take my toddlers to Disney world. But.

Middle of summer in a subtropical climate, we easily hit $200. Pumping cold air takes a lot of power.

Right?!? I’m so glad to hear Propranolol worked for you. Between the low cost, short half life, minor side effects, and it being non-addictive, it’s pretty much awesome. Fuck benzos!

Yerp. Imagine getting some crazy long mandatory minimum for a drug offense and Mark Salling getting 4 years for 50,000(!!!) pictures of children being abused. I’m normally very against purely punitive sentencing, but crimes against children are pretty much the only exception.    

Women are going to tear each other apart for the crimes of men.

Maybe her “bubble” as you put it consisted of staying in her own lane by way of living a quiet life out of the spotlight. I think you fail to grasp how cunning predators can you honestly think that asshole didn’t know how to conduct himself around MS? By all means y’all go on and tear down other women.

This is bizarre. As long as you don’t have low blood pressure, a doctor should definitely be able to prescribe you propranolol. My neurologist prescribes them to me and they are AMAZING for public speaking- non-addictive, don’t muddle your mind, etc. I would go see a fifth doctor, for sure.

Hey! You totally did not ask me this question, but on the off-chance my experience with anxiety meds will help you... SSRIs are okay, but can have side effects like difficulty achieving orgasm. Benzodiazepines are the devil. I became addicted and had to be detoxed off of them. I have 8 years of sobriety now. What

If your brain is not uptaking serotonin or dopamine correctly, no amount of exercise or butt-kicking will fix it. There probably are some people that can function on coping skills, but it takes a toll.

I think selfishness rules our culture. I really do. Yes, there are people out there who try harder, mean well, etc. But ultimately, people want to be right more than they want to be thoughtful. People want to make their point more than they want to listen. People want to have attention more than they are content with

I mean... more like we’re adults now and don’t really care to smell like weed or have to go through the whole grind/pack/burn fingers/clean the whole thing afterwards rigamarole.

No, it doesn’t make me sad, it makes me constantly elated and in love with modern science that has produced such a miracle! No more throwing myself against a random building as i walk home because suddenly the sadness of the universe is too much to bear and I’m sobbing....I still get sad and mad and all the other

I know lots of physicians with local government jobs in public health and they all carry two phones. One for government business (and nothing else), and one for everything else. They are all aware that if they conduct any government business on a device, everything on that device has the potential to be public

“Mary is lying, and we all know it. I saw her just the other day. Lovely woman. Fantastic woman. And she was all happy and special. Did she say anything about being raped? Nope. She acted fine. Plus there were no witnesses! She’s a lovely woman, but she’s very confused.”— Donald Trump

This is brilliant. Everyone knows that the best way to let people know that the government has grown too large and much of it is unnecessary and wasteful and really hammer home the point that you are different—that you are not big and unnecessary and wasteful—is to print more than 200,000 sheets of paper to use as a

In other slightly good news, Rubio may be backing out of the tax bill.

My hunch is that one or more of these guys really did need the money badly, so George made a point of also giving it to guys who didn’t need it, too, so the ones who needed it could keep their pride. Hopefully the ones who didn’t need it donated it or used it for other good works, like Gerber says he did.

Good Lord, this like the Dr. Bronner’s soap bottle of suicide notes.

Yeah, I didn’t get that either, and I sort of don’t get some of the responses that are being critical by saying that giving $14 million to your friends is taking it away from a charity. Huh? It’s not taking it away if it wasn’t theirs to begin with. It’s Clooney’s money to distribute as he sees fit, otherwise where

When I left the east coast for good, a lot of the shitty unnecessary snark left me too. Sometimes people are just nice and do good things for other people.