
hobby lobby owns the bathrooms and as such they dictate who can use them and when.

they could, if they wanted, make completely insane rules like you must be wearing green.

It's their property.

My question is why a transperson would want to continue working for a company that clearly hates (or at the very least is very

because the accusation was public...

you seem to have made a massive blunder of a typo... it's spelled Government not guns.

yeah the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Anyways... paper doesnt grant rights I know that might shock you, people have rights to own firearms not because of some toilet paper written on by a bunch of douche bags a fucking long time ago... and even if a bunch of fucking douche bags

You think women should kill their abusive husbands? Is it acceptable for men to kill their abusive wives since cops dont do anything? I mean I thought elam's 'bash a violent bitch month' aka, defend yourself from DV, was hated and a reason to discredit the entire MRM, but hey... women should kill their abusive

I have an idea! lets shoot people for 'conservation' purposes, all we need to do is find some human managers to guide the whole process and then we can let sick fucks go around and kill people!

Or we can not! because shooting animals to death is always wrong, be it elephants humans or rats.

There are also obama fan pages and he has killed way more than that shooter did... perhaps maybe they should be shut down too? Consistency is a bitch!

You're an overgrown child, why don't you show up late and hungover to a flight and blame all your problems on other people somewhere else?

"I mean, technically the dude is onto something. I mean white people definitely have been staking their claim on land for hundreds of years—and those places already came with developed societies and resources and economies!"
You said in your own story that this land has a population of zero... so what developed society

"LOL, no. My preferences are everyone's preferences" - tigerburningbright, 2014

he committed suicide...

Wow, awesome strawman.

are you aware that the nazis did other bad things other than genocide and invading counties? not defending the term feminazi, just saying if you look at some of the other things the nazis did that were shitty you might see where people who use that word are coming from.

Also stop acting like feminism has a monopoly on

Serious question: Why should three people not be allowed to marry each other?

It must be toxic femininity. It seriously ruins the whole world damn it!

(PS: for the sarcasm challenged individuals out there, I'm not serious I'm just mocking feminists.)

I'm glad youre also an amateur auto mechanic and electrician...

I think it's rather egotistical of people who code to say that everyone should learn to code.

Maybe everyone should learn my field of study too! because clearly it's the most important!!

And none of that can happen without marriage licences? Oh wait it can.

societies don't make decisions individuals do. Also state sponsorship of relationships does not provide stable families.