
False dichotomy.

Just because someone is saying maybe the state shouldn't determine who can and cannot get married (thats what marriage licencing is, it was once used as a tool to prevent interracial marriages and now used to prevent gay ones) Does not imply that churches and religious people then take over saying who

Oh you! you're confusing forcing your boss to pay for your birth control with being denied access.

If you are so concerned about birth control work for an employer whose healthcare provides it, or just buy it yourself.

Also it's not the corporation it's the individuals running it. What you are saying is that you think

ASU PD are actual police officers. asu has a student body bigger than some cities...

He shouldn't be fired he should be CHARGED with assault.

Fuck you. Badges don't grant extra rights you cop apologist asshole.

Fuck your family. Cops are criminals, don't defend your family members. You ought to be ashamed of them.

she has a right to self defense against an aggressor. Doesn't matter if he has a shiny badge and a gun and a complex.

Here is what is even more fucking idiotic. So they arrest her for blocking the street by jaywalking... and to do so... they block the fucking street.

I don't know why she tried to reason with them, all of them are violent criminals incapable of empathy or reason.

Except that this is in tempe which isn't conservative at all... idiot.

Why is it worse because shes a woman? Are you saying it's not as bad when police brutality happens against men?

Fuck this cop. He assaulted and kidnapped this poor woman.

Fuck this pig and fuck the ASU PD.

Actually I would because fuck the Us. Military.

generally violent people, abusers, rapists etc were abused as children probably more brutally than most if it led to a murder.

Fuck every cop who ever did their job. Cops aren't good people.

Serious question: when men are murdered is it misandry based and therefore a hate crime? If not why?

when I read the quote I interpreted 'it' being used as a pronoun to describe Yazmin. :(

then get off your ass and direct a movie.

A.) you're an idiot honestly... Paying them $5 for whatever you get your hobby bullshit they get your money. Hobby lobby paying an insurance company... and what does the insurance company provide them? hint: it's not hobby materials.

B.) Okay then Don't fucking work for them...

C.) all employers have to compete for the

A.) yes hobby lobby pays for medical services... thats what insurance is...
B.) What insurance company is really going to offer a plan that doesn't cover catastrophic shit?
C.) buy your own plan if you want to work for a company that offers a terrible plan. Or...
D.) buy supplemental insurance. Or...
E.) don't work for

Hobby lobby shouldn't be required to do anything. If they don't want to give health insurance that is their choice. If they want to pay more because they dont give health thats their choice. if they want to only provide plans that don't include contraceptives. That is their choice. the employees who work there work