
I hate to be that guy but not all FGM involves what you describe. Often it IS analogous to male circumcision in that it only trims the labia.

I'm a chronic red bull drinker. I don't drink coffee. Red Bull is my coffee.

Wait, I'm supposed to turn on this guy over an accusation made on the internet by a nameless, faceless person?

He lost his right to the second amendment when he had a restraining order filed against him for domestic abuse. This murder was, believe it or not, breaking the law by having a gun.

Just like a fucking man. Don't want to listen to the young girls speak. Would rather hear the opinions of a fictional man. FICTIONAL MALE OPINIONS ARE MORE VALID THAN REAL FEMALE OPINIONS. WHY AM I NOT EVEN SURPRISED!?!?!?!!?!?

Wow! Really? Let me ask it more simply for you - why have we attached legal ramifications to what is a social/religious custom? What purpose does attaching legal ramifications achieve?

Everybody misses the real question: why is the government involved in the marriage of anybody in the first place?

Yes, of course! Because only mentally ill people abuse kids and random non doctors on the internet can diagnose clinical conditions by looking at mugshots! On behalf of the mentally ill people of the world, THANK YOU for doing your part to decrease stigma!

Another study found that many women would prefer to complain on feminist blog sites and post videos of cute animals rather than run for office or spend any time and energy on working in politics. This is directly correlated to the patriarchy. Men are now implanting chips into women's brains making them completely

It is if you're a communist, err... I mean feminist.

Yeah, I was like, "Oh man, there's still gonna be a Congress in 2121? That sucks for our future grandkids."

I don't think it makes much of a difference. Female politicians are just as fake and corrupt as male politicians. Having a Congress that is 50% women wouldn't make our government any better.

So i guess this means the 50 Shades.. movie is a real movie that real people are putting real money into making, and not just the most epic troll job anyone has ever done? That makes me kind of sad.

nobdoy2016 is whipping your asses.

I find chemophobes both funny and frightening. Know what else is an ingredient in yoga mats? Soy.

I believe nobody2016 was trying to make the point that if it was an MRA or a misogynistic hashtag in general, many(including on here) would not say "it's just trolls" or "not all feminists", even though it's clearly ignorant and the majority of people don't actually believe it. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if this

I'm a woman. While the comments are not directed at one person specifically, it still in some ways implies some sort of generalization. Think of what would happen if someone were to do the same thing about some other group of people. #robbedbyablackman or something would only serve to perpetuate a stereotype. How

Sometimes I mistake androgynous girls for effeminate men and am briefly attracted to them until I notice therye female because they have breasts. When it comes to looks I can be attracted to a person who identifies as any gender because maybe despite their gender identity they may have a gender presentation that IS

It isn't, but this is Jezebel. There will always be people complaining about something.

"Putting a lid on a beverage isn't telling rapists they shouldn't rape, which is, you know, the main problem. It's not really deterring rape."