
Here's a picture of the pictures from Facebook.

I've noticed they don't put up replays of events they'll be showing on the primetime coverage.

For whatever reason, I can't click on the image to get it full-sized. Here it is at 1600x900

What's the fastest you've ever driven in your cab?

I saw that Top Gear Live was coming to the US. Do you know where yet? (please Phoenix! please oh please come to Phoenix!)

The new Delta. Why besmirch such a great name with a car that hideous.

If only they had put the engine in dat ass, we'd be cooking with crisco.

Like Joe said, the Cayenne was 1st and set the precedent for non-sports cars from Porsche.


The Competizione is based off a 430 because it's easier to homologate for racing. The original P4/5 is based off the Enzo.

This needs to be raced in LeMons or Chump Car.

Huzzah! My first hat tip! I would totally drive this if the wheels and brakes were the same on both sides.

Gymkhanabilifyâ„¢ has been known to cause pregnant women. If you find yourself wrapped around a tree while taking Gymkhanabilifyâ„¢, consult your doctor immediately.

and that smile made you crash a billion dollar piece of machinery. haha

You grab the door while still on the step, then jump down and let go of the door before it crushes your hand.

The camera car

Isn't the most Jalop vehicle a mid-engined, all wheel drive, turbo-diesel rotary wagon with a stick shift?

Sun City means it's an old guy, so he probably took good care of it. Make sure you double check the tires; the heat here murders them.

Now playing

Here's a heat from this morning's DTM event.