Jalopnik has very bad cotomer sevis. I’m still waiting on my breakfast scotch after paying for Jalopnik Gold 15 years ago.
Does anyone else remember Paul telling off Benjamina for calling her babka a babka? He was all “well actually, it’s a couronne”
Sorry, let me rephrase: I’m still waiting for the Roadster, semi, and Cybertruck that were announced 3, 3, and 1 year ago (they add to 7 so it counts)
A (2 crust) pie and an uncrustable are the same thing. Both are sandwiches.
Bait Bus/Bang Bus have already placed several orders for more eBussy
Hello Mr. Wort. How do I cancel my Jalopnik Gold? I haven’t received my complimentary breakfast scotch in years, and I can’t afford to pay for Jalopnik Gold, Defector, *and* a breakfast scotch.
I think a lot of that is recipes don’t count mise en place as part of the cooking time. They just assume you have little bowls filled with diced onions and sliced mushrooms all over your kitchen.
The best part of the “boating past yachts” series is that they’re in an outboard.
Still a better goalie than Robert Green
He only gets charged with a blown save because the winning runner wasn’t his responsibility. The loss goes to the pitcher who allowed the winning runner on base.
Canadian championships, including the Brier (men’s championship) that starts this weekend, are on ESPN3
The eye on the hog relies on skin contact on the handle to detect release. The handles you see on TV are all metal, but if you go to a curling club, they’re the same as the rest of the top of the rock.
There’s two places the physicality makes a difference: Guys can throw harder (stronger legs, faster kick) so the men’s game has a lot more multiple take outs. Then in sweeping, the guys are stronger so they can drag a rock farther than a women’s team.
They do have mixed doubles, starting at these Olympics. The US Trials are happening now, Canada’s are next week.
It was definitely a kick from scrimmage. You can see the punter receive the snap, which he wouldn’t do on a free kick after safety. Plus, in high school, you can do a regular kickoff after a safety.
You can’t see the bolt land, but you can see the players’ reaction to it