Nobody in Particular

Are you a troll? Because if you are, then please look in the mirror and ask yourself, “Does this make me happy? Does this actually give me some sense of fulfillment?” Because I’m guessing the answer will turn out to be “No”.

I, for one, am shocked that pillars of moral virtue like Chris Brown and Travis Scott would associate with Kanye. this is shocking to me. who could have seen this coming. what new spore of madness is this /s

If naming your child in tribute to a Rob Reiner film about a kid leaving their family to find better parents makes you mentally ill, then I don’t want to be mentally well.

Lots of people will proudly tell you that they haven’t read a novel since they were required to in High School.  Being ignorant is a badge of honor for way too many people.

Miami Vice/Last Of The Mohicans CROSSOVER!
They’re a bunch of coke-dealin’, scalp-huntin’ redsk-...
A bunch of disenfranchised working class indigenous kids are forced into the narcotics trade to help save the reservation. In Miami.

Miami Vice at #2, but Last of the Mohicans all the way down at #10? Yeah, no.

Wow, this is the most shit list I have ever seen. I thought heat would be number 1 instead of last of the Mohicans. But putting Mohicans at 10 is just beyond belief. Real shit list.

Ah, a D-. The gentlemens D-.

Larry Squatter and the Wizard's Rock.

How much darker could it be? None.  None more dark.

And yet The Forever War, complete with its totally cool twist ending, still has no adaptation. (And guess what Hollywood: the book’s length is a “good fit” for a two-hour movie. It’s a win-win. IF it’s ever adapted.)

Some may call Snyder a “rebel,” but his fans definitely love getting mooned.

Snyder looked at a shot of the vast, darkness of space. “Can we make it darker? I feel that would be edgier,” he directed.

To be fair, the music the band’s playing being called jizz makes more sense in that context.

But-but the “Star Wars cantina” scene is set in a brothel! What better illustration of Zac Snyder’s deconstructive genius could anyone possibly need?!

I suspect no one is ever going to see this comment added to a slideshow first published a year ago, but I’m just going to chime in anyway with a couple of my favorites, Wander Over Yonder’s “The Gift” + “The Gift 2: The Giftening” and Adventure Time’s “Holly Jolly Secrets”.

“A Very Sunny Christmas” from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia is worth a mention. Frank crawling out naked from inside the couch is a highlight of course, but my favorite bits are Mac and Charlie’s scenes together, particularly when they both recount their respective childhood Christmas experiences and slowly

Fun fact, in Japan popular anime often get turned into stage musicals, but instead of doing that for One Piece, they adapted it into a Kabuki play because that’s considered classier.

People sometimes forget how bad homophobia and transphobia were at the time (and obviously transphobia is especially bad right now). Back then it felt like your choices for comedy were either completely sanitized sitcoms that just recycled I Love Lucy episodes, or “edgy” stuff. But once you got older you started

Can we get a (dis)honorable mention for There’s Something About Marrying? It was praised at the time for being a mostly-positive portrayal of gay and lesbian couples but oof looking back, the last ten minutes are just disgusting transphobia.