Nobody in Particular

It’s time for Savage Nobody! The advice column that routinely gets shafted by life!

I love your point about this being part and parcel with helping people wo have earned it.

It would be time for Savage Nobody (the advice column that was in the middle of delivering excerpts from one of the greatest novels of all time!), but this got posted so much later than usual I think I’m just going to postpone this column for another week.

Sucks that your college girlfriend had such a terrible mother. Good on you for being a supportive partner.

Note to self: Most people are just as screwed up inside as you. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go back to having my face replaced with a kangaroo’s as part of a plastic surgery caused by what I thought were self-esteem issues but are actually completely normal! Guess I’ll be seeing you at the kangaroo

You have gold diggers pursuing you, you are set to inherit a metric* butt-load of money, and, most of all, you have a realistic view of your own insecurities; are you trying to make Savage Nobody jealous?

So close. At least you’re looking on the bright side!

Savage Nobody is pretty sure he only attacked you on one level. Not my fault that one level exploded and blew up every other level in you.

Having access to really good weed is more than Savage Nobody can brag about! Also, I imagine Mina needs it to relax after her vampire slaying adventures.

It’s time for Savage Nobody! The advice column that pays money to a sex worker just so he can have someone, anyone ask him questions!

Similar experience for me. I do find it a bit strange how he’s able to write a book acknowledging shades of gray and having empathy for others (even if they’re bug aliens) , yet he has such one-dimensional views on gay people.

Refusing to make a joke about hand jobs when it was right there!? You must have the self-restraint of a saint.

Some of the books Savage Nobody read when he was younger weren’t entirely appropriate either. Good thing he grew up to be an incredibly well-adjusted individual as evidenced by all his prior columns!

In a musical, great songs and dancing can get your audiences to accept pretty much anything. Also in fairness to West Side Story, the suicides are a holdover from Romeo and Juliet, very much an Elizabethan tragedy.

This comment was so great I Cain twice.

Savage Nobody hates the Confederacy with a burning passion, but he quite enjoyed Gone With the Wind the one time he saw it.

By coincidence, Savage Nobody happens to be right in the middle of a Raymond Chandler novel as part of an event to read more classic mysteries. What’s the best place to start with Nero Wolfe? Any other stories or writers you would recommend?

It’s set for any time you have questions! Although Savage Nobody usually sleeps through it...

Great comment. I haven’t read OFotCN, but I know the experience of a book that is great in all other respects being marred by misogyny. I think it says something about the way women are treated in our society that so many works of art that aim to overturn societal norms and portray the plight of the disadvantaged still

It’s time for Savage Nobody! The advice column that you hope ends quickly!