
One year my sister suggested that we get our parents a hairless cat for Christmas. They hadn’t ever indicated any interest in one; she just thought they’d like it since they were too old to walk dogs anymore and my mom was allergic to cats.

“Get an IUD” might seem like sage universal advice for those able to get pregnant, but it primarily serves to stoke alarm, convincing people that they need to make a hasty decision about birth control. It’s also primarily a pitch to women with a considerable amount of privilege, who have the ability to make decisions

Anything he says would make so much more sense coming out of a toddler’s mouth. 

Let’s get real: while the pandemic has made women and POC women in general’s lives even worse than before, it’s getting attention because quarantines, closed schools and stay at home orders are forcing more and more white men to spend more and more time on childcare and schooling. You can practically see them thinking

Although we don’t know the circumstances of these particular men, or why they attempted to steal this woman’s stimulus check, it’s no secret that millions of people across the country are currently unemployed, struggling to afford food, and facing new depths of financial desperation. It seems very possible that that

Try to be a little less selfish. Just a little less, especially in a time like this. Not everyone’s situation is the same or possibly as privileged as yours.

I never had too much wrapped up in the “pretty” part of this equation, in large part because of dysphoria, but there’s another angle to the pretty, crazy girl that hecked me up - the brilliance. When I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder as a tween, everyone around me was busy reassuring me that it didn’t make me

I’m still a little disturbed by how I definitely desired to be one of these girls growing up. I had such a strong want to be interesting enough to get attention that the idea that what I found “interesting” about these stories was the pain. It surely didn’t help that I had an older who was both talented and struggling

I’ll be the devil’s advocate here: ER doctor/nurse gave her an EKG/ECG and the results were normal. It’s not unusual to have to wait for multiple hours in an ER.

Wildstar was super fun and more people should have played it.

As an animator, I agree with you. But I would still hold the animator responsible too. I don’t know a single animator that would flat out copy another company’s work. We copy each others work, sure, but it’s on the same shows and we’re re-using to save time (because yeah, deadlines are stupid). Flat out copying the

When she was younger, a stationary bike murdered her father. He wasn’t a perfect man, but he loved her. He’d gotten into some trouble in his youth, but he thought it was all behind him. Early one morning though, he heard the unmistakable whir of Peloton’s wheel behind him and he knew his past has caught up. “You don’t

Just a couple thoughts:

I don’t know, man. I think it’s also part of friendship to realize that if you have something to share that has a lot of emotional charge to it, it might not always be a good time for that. Especially if you have the type of friendship where the response to that goes beyond lol omg wtf reactions and into really

It looks like early 3D RTS games zoomed all the way in.

Where is Carrie Nation when you need her?

Let’s hope that last bit of a news was a double entendre, since they can’t blog about what’s really going down:


- Reads the comment section -

My minimum wage summer job was as a library page. Pretty darn cushy gig — mostly reshelving books, adding cards to the card catalog (yes, this WAS a while ago), and weeding discarded books.