
That’s way better. 

I’m not a huge soccer guy and don’t read a lot of Billy’s soccer offerings, but what got me was his post about the Duke @ Miami football game, in which he openly wondered why an opponent of Duke’s stature warranted a game at the Dolphins’s NFL stadium... where Miami has played for at least a decade now.

“Hey Rece, gimme ya sandwich... I said gimme ya damn sandwich.”

That’s because we’re a flyover state. I’m so sorry I’ll show myself out.


As a native Oklahoman, I can’t tell if the last line is a joke or not

I worked in liquor stores on and off for the better part of a decade and yeah, best moving boxes ever.

The official Rancid twitter asked awhile back for people to rank their top three songs from Let’s Go. It was tough but I think I went with Radio, Saint Mary and Seven Years Down, although Tenderloin is fighting hard for that last spot.

Yeah I don’t get the hate for that one at all. I mean, sure, it’s annoying when someone sends you fourteen of those cry/laughing faces but the thumbs up is just a really quick and easy way to respond to any number of things: sounds good / see you there / meet me at [place] / ok, but wash it first

I’m stealing this and using it in whatever possible context I can as many times as humanly possible.

Come on. This one can’t be real. Right?

I’ll take ten. Five for me (a backup for the four that will inevitably get ripped off) and five more to slap on random cars in my Western CO town that inexplicably thinks it’s Odessa or Midland.

Working a retail job once and one of the weirder experiences was when I walked up to a dude in the vodka aisle looking at his phone.

I was in a bar watching two or three different games on a random college football Saturday a few years ago and a dude sitting next to me (I think he was an Iowa fan) laughed as the opposing coach called for time before the half and said, “yeah, call a timeout you fuckin’ doorknob.”

I want to like this but you’re at 69 and I just can’t in good conscience ruin that.

It was inevitable that at least one humorless Cards fan would have to weigh in eventually, right?


You can tell a lot about a person if they use “hater” unironically

I hate it only slightly less than “[x] is a MOOD”