
I know, it's exasperating! It's like they proved my original point!

Interesting. I guess the American discomfort with the corpse (and hence, our overeagerness to dispose of the body) lends to the lack of intimacy and sterile environment.

That actually makes a lot of sense!

You right. It makes more sense for it to be intimate. It's my own silliness!

Yeah it is! And just looking at her, my stereotype of her interests make her occupation even more striking!

Wow, this is fascinating! But her funeral home idea gives me the heebies. I feel like that line a work requires a morbid curiosity and compassion. Her concept, however, relies a little too heavily on the former, lol.

THANK YOU! I was beginning to think I was crazy for remember the nasty tone of her campaign!

Right! I totally get the request for proof, but my point is that I can't BELIEVE how no one seems to remember the "othering" of Obama. People bristle at the very insinuation of wrongdoing on Hill's part.

For the bajillionth time in this thread, I will reproduce my "evidence" below. Besides, you miss my point. I said she gets off way too easily for the racism of her campaign, and that people don't realize that she created the blueprint of the way in which the right "others" Obama. I disagree with your false equivalency

But you still felt that dissonance between being a woman and being black, just more from the black side than I felt it. I don't think we disagree on that matter.

How? When we think of someone "othering" President Obama during that era, Sarah Palin is the first who comes to mind. I'm not saying her words are any less reprehensible, I'm saying that she took her cues from Hillary.

Already posted this but pasting for the sake of time.

Already posted this but pasting for the sake of time.

deleted this because I accidentally reposted twice. Not spamming, just answering everybody's request for proof. :)

Already posted but pasting for sake of time:

Already posted this, but just copy and pasting for the sake of time:

Gladly! It's a heavy charge:

Right! And she was the one who started the whole "Obama is not a real American" thing!!!! Nobody seems to remember this.

I admire Hillary, but I'll NEVER forgive her for her racism from the 2008 campaign. I think she's gotten off waaaay to easy from that shameful debacle, as SHE was the one who started the whole Barack Obama is a foreigner/not one of us/ "Real American" thing.

You nailed it! I loved Kristen Ritter but the blonde girl June was what ended things for me.