I have met the dancer. Her name is Mette Towley and she’s from Minneapolis, but was on tour with Pharrell a few years ago. She’s naturally gorgeous!
I have met the dancer. Her name is Mette Towley and she’s from Minneapolis, but was on tour with Pharrell a few years ago. She’s naturally gorgeous!
sighhhh ... she’s my problematic fave. she’s the shady, judgey yet hilarious everyaunty that you hate to love
This was beautiful. I hope your former congregants read this! The Evangelical church has become a vehicle for white supremacy, and more people need to speak about it.
You must be new here! Fashion/models/beauty actually occupied far more space in the Jezebel days of yore. They used to send writers to fashion week, reviewed every show, and models and representation in the modeling world was a beat.
Mindy Kahling, Salma Hayek, Priyanka Chopra
I would say J.K. Rowling.
I would argue that Hillary is definitely a Reba! Did you see how she responded to Black Lives Matter throughout her campaign? Remember how she fanned the flames of Islamophobia/Xenophobia/Antiblackness against Obama in ‘08? Super predators? To a Hillary/Reba, all women are white and all black people a black men, and…
A messy aside: So apparently Haim Saban, big time Zionist and Univision chair (which acquired Jezebel) came out against Black Lives Matter claiming they are antisemitic while defending trump against claims the he is antisemitic. Das real interesting ...
Moment of honesty: I think this whole incident reflects more poorly on Joe and Mika than trump.
Your response is true, but it also made me crack up! Beatrice is more of a black name these days. lmaooo
Tweeting a statement isn’t an end all and be all, but Kim tweeting Black Lives Matter—a sentiment that is largely becoming more controversial that many take issue with—speaks volumes over Taylor’s silence when she has a platform and a lot of influence. She is the darling of the heartland and will make no statement…
WHITE women's pay will go up. Meanwhile the pay of black and Latina women will remain 63 and 54 cents to to the dollar of white men. That 77 cents thing is really annoying.
Right. And there’s also the fact that Taylor’s popularity is based on that darling nexus of sexism and white supremacy. All she has to do is breathe and white women line up to hail her as a feminist hero, while Beyoncé’s feminism is regarded with skepticism and dismissed as capitalism. She has based her entire career…
You’re absolutely incorrect in this instance. ummm, where do you think those phrases came from? Southern black women! From “throwing shade” to “reading” to “what’s the tea.” It’s fine that ther’s a natural discourse between black gay men and black women over the years. The problem arises when white gay men begin…
It's the hooded eyelids
I don't know, it sounds like the two former members offended the others' punk sensibilities. Being aesthetically/culturally punk and pulling shocking stunts is nice and all but does not make your cause more righteous or you some sort of cultural justice warrior. That's one of my biggest criticisms of anarcho punks.…
You know, between the rampant misogynoir and Gloria Steinem brand feminism (aka white feminism), I'm really beginning to understand Zora Neale Hurston's claim that black woman is the mule of the world. It's like we exist in the blind spots of feminism and black rights.
This guy just can't catch a break. Solange screwed him over recently as well and took credit for songs he had written.
All of those vanguard types were right—Beyonce is no feminist. She's a WOMANIST! Y'all can have Amanda Palmer! *Xena war cry*