Uber Charges Passenger Who Is Either An Idiot Or Lying $925, Then Refunds It When Idiot/Liar Complains To Reporter
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Uber Charges Passenger Who Is Either An Idiot Or Lying $925, Then Refunds It When Idiot/Liar Complains To Reporter
Suggested alternate headline.
Glad to see my main lady Corrin riiiiiight around the middle.
Giant rabbits will be mounted, you say?
Where on God’s green earth are you getting an iPhone X for $45?
Because the Democrats are incompetent and despite all those seeming setbacks, will let Trump win by being the idiots they proved themselves to be in the 2016 election. Sincerely, a former Democrat turned Independent (but not before I voted in vain for HRC)
Can I give this comment multiple stars? I really, really want to.
Buttgate 2.0?
“Sit down and shut the fuck up”
“Why aren’t you speaking up and helping us?”
- the same group of people, amazingly
There’s a lot of shitheads out there. There’s a lot of stupid people out there. Most white people have never, or at least rarely, been so exposed to explicit racism in their lives. And yes, there are plenty…
I would say so. The main story is very light and takes only a few hours (maybe even as little as one or two if you’re like, the best goddamn player in the world) but there’s something very addicting about searching out new moves, learning them, and trying them for yourself. It almost feels like collecting Pokemon!
Genuine question, inspired by the “it’s not been a great year for white women bit” - what should white women do in light of this “cultural reckoning”?
When white people tore down a Confederate statue, all I saw was anger that if they’d been black, there would be full-scale riots (which is probably correct).
When white…
It’s kinda halfway between. It’s often not the completely free-flowing adventures that television shows portray D&D games as being (unless you have a really experienced or really lax group of players). There are official adventures with pre-defined characters and stories and so on. Those stories can be re-jiggered to…
Speaking of The Thing, did you catch that one of the crew members’ name was MacReady? ;)
I wonder if part of the issue is that the Dreamcast, by virtue of being limited in power, wasn’t able to really render the accentuated attributes of its characters in a way that came across as obviously stylized.
I look at the big muscle-y guy in that trailer and think that it borders on Street Fighter-esque. Nobody in…
Possibly just me, but I prefer my chicken plump and thick. It’s never given me a problem in terms of juiciness or flavor absorption (that I can think of). That said, your note about it tenderizing makes me curious to try.
But did you see the body?
I look forward to Game of Thrones: Brotherhood in several years - a re-telling of this tale, one that hews closer to the manga— I mean... books.
Not just a quote from randos in the comments, but a notable figure and critic of the industry. Good to see we’re all on level ground.
In fairness, come on now, it’s a FF game - how are we supposed to be able to tell that’s a female?
Well, at least we know it’s not just brown people. White parents will assume anyone beat by police must’ve been resisting.
I swear this is like the third “lifehack” I’ve seen to indicate when dishes are clean. Just... just fucking take them out and put them away if they’re clean! JUST CLEAN THEM!! This is NOT hard, people!