
You are beginning to show signs of the Isolation Madness, Jason.

I was thinking the same thing. Does this help?

Ah, finally a real Camero.

But wait, there’s more.

Forget the Leaf. Just paint this thing black.

This is pretty crap but I still expect that beer.

Am I doing this right?

Bill Clinton was a draft dodger and the NASCAR crowd hated him.

I absolutely loved the Ford v Ferrari, and it unseated Rush as my favorite dramatic racing movie, but I do wish they’d done it as a 4-6 hour miniseries instead of a single film. I wanted to see more about the car’s initial development in England, and I would’ve loved to see Pete Brock’s contributions with the Cobra

It’s ridiculous.

Aaaaaaand the countdown to 2045 has begun 

And yet, the express continues...

You built an autonomous drift machine...out of a DeLorean?

Let’s see if you bastards can do

I call bullshit. It obvious what’s really happening.

Now playing

While I absolutely love this... I have to point out...

The way I see it, if you’re gonna turn a robot that shreds tires into a car, why not do it with some style?

Junior lived forever or so it seemed. They made an autobiographical movie, called The Last American Hero, with Jeff Bridges, Gary Busey and Valerie Perrine about him almost 50 years ago after writer Tom Wolfe, he of white suits, wrote a story about him in Esquire magazine. It wasn’t a bad movie, at least not for 1973.

*Louis C. Camilleri slaps roof of F1 program*

Developing a car: hundreds of millions of dollars.