

Well, that Escalated quickly!

I’m pretty sure that person is aware of that and is saying it is similar enough being just one letter different that they hear Pinky saying it when they read it. 

Maybe there’s still hope that they won’t name a future car Cadillac LaCadillac.

They should have a segment called “Ow! My Balls!”

Who pissed in your cheerio’s this morning?

I don’t agree with Clarkson hating on Greta, but I think his message is valid. Why should we sit around and argue about how we are going to die and when we are going to die, instead of focusing on how to fix these issues?

I would watch a fictionalized story centered around the exploits of Smokey Yunick, either as the protagonist or the adversary. He has “folk hero” written all over.

The life and times of John Force.

I’ll wait for Kimi’s take on this.

Their pit strategy has lost them more races than the engine reliability. If they had called their races better, they would certainly have 3 additional wins, if not 6! Mercedes seems to outfox them every week in the strategy department.

FCA’s merger attempts:

F150 Lightning is for the future electric version of the F150... or at least it should be.

I bet Ford still owns “Lightning”. Seems the nomenclature from an F150 to a mall crawler would be less objectionable than this misuse of the Mustang name.

This seems to fit

If he’s not profiting from the song, I don’t understand the problem.

I blame poor gas station designs. Ever go to one with a broken pay-at-pump system, so you have to go in to pay. It generally works like this:

I’m ok with this. I hope Bugatti goes for being most opulent. There’s still room at the top of the SUV and sedan market and they’re primed for taking it. We really need a modern Royale.

His family doesn’t owe anyone other than Michael Schumacher anything. If they feel that keeping his status in the family is the right thing to do, more power to them.