
It looks totally awesome.

ill never understand the obsession with single cabs, i personally like room in the cab to store stuff, or drive my kids somewhere

1. You have a bitchin’ Camaro

My guess? The only thing that’s new is the engine placement.

Mustangs and Vettel are somewhat similar in that they both like to run into shit.

It’s convenient that they now also wear bright red hats.

All the assholes with that exact sticker on their truck who think they’re such badasses are just huge fucking douche bags. It’s the new douche bag identifier.

You’re makin’ that up...

‘You see these two tow hooks? They look like tusks. And what kind of animal has tusks?’

Next year, as Chevy brainstorms names for it’s new crossover:

Either the guy in the Merc runs me off into the wall or we both get wrecked by the asshole purposely driving an Escalade at 40 mph around the track.

That’s already more passing than a whole season of F1. 

Great Lakes Avengers

The reason why The Avengers is called Avengers Assemble is because there was a long-running ‘60s spy show and movie series called The Avengers in the UK. They even had a reboot movie in 1998. Not an arbitrary title change at all.

The most probable reason why the title got changed outside the U.S. is because Ferrari has

It’s hard to find someone who peddles dangerous quack remedies to desperate people as “cute”, no matter how much they smile.

It’s entirely possible that my annoyance with Paltrow has taken me around the bend, but this didn’t strike me as cute.

I guess this IS the darkest timeline.

Further proof that there is no god:


Those people are complete idiots. What do they think the original GTOs were? They were Tempests/LeMans, boring piles of cheap shit with huge awesome motors. The “modern”GTOs almost perfectly embodied the originals, except they weren’t piles of shit. I’ve never driven a modern GTO, but I have always wanted to own one.