
Every day I go out to my garage and gaze upon my bright red Solstice. Then I check things over, climb in and turn the key. Immediately, he bursts into mechanical thunder. Right after I bought him, I removed the silencer from the exhaust and replaced it with a very short glass pack. Then we roll out into the Kansas

People are idiots. This was a great car...who cares if it’s a Holden etc. Just we glad we got it. There was nothing affordable at the time that had the specs or looks this car had. 

Hells yeah this was and still is hot. People bitch about stuff no matter what esp domestics do. I loved this car and if I had money in the mid-2000s I would have bought this over any Japanese car. 

A lot of people buy the Holden badges and make these things look like Commodores. But not me. Why rebadge what is arguably one of the best cars ever sold by Pontiac?

I’m not crying, it’s just dust in my eyes from doing a burnout for Pontiac, in my Pontiac.

My first car was a 1998 Grand Prix GTP. The supercharger made glorious sounds, and the little boost gauge really brought the worst out of my young self 😂

Neither was any other Pontiac GTO. :b

Let’s all pour out a Coors for the demise of this one...

Two Pontiacs I used to own: 1989 Grand Prix and 1992 Firebird

Pontiac deserved better.

I remember people being a bit preturbed about it not being a REAL GTO, but damnit I love that car.

This is a proper Pontiac.

It’s *vital* that we never forget that Pontiac made these.

Now playing

Let’s not forget the greatest Pontiac of all time...

The Soltice....what could have been.....Ok,  someone make an Infinity Gauntlet and go back in time and snap the fingers. 

I miss mine... I did see one of the super rare hardtop Solstice Coupes the other day as well

I’m playing East Bound and Down and the Knight Rider theme in my heart. May the 2nd and 3rd generation Firebirds evermore be known as star cars, for they have truly taking their place in the pantheon of glittering stellar matter above.

Holden, sure, but no mention?

I’m still pissed they killed the g8 and then Pontiac all together, just when it was all getting good again.

I’ve owned three Pontiacs in my lifetime and there is just something about them I love. I’ve had two 4th gen Trans Am and an 05 GTO. All three were fantastic car. Actually still own the 2002 Trans Am WS6. They were always different, always trying to sneakily one up big brother Chevy and in many cases doing just that.