
Ever go out for beers with friends, and then the conversation takes a weird left turn, leaving you to ask, “Do I even know these people?” silently to yourself?

Hmm. I’m gonna’ throw out my ratings:

Ultimate is on D+. or it was. Spectacular is hands down my favorite iteration of Peter Parker. I can’t bring myself to watch the last disc of the blu-ray cuz I am in denial.

This is a very weird thing to examine and focus on. All he’s saying is that race and racism were not at the forefront of his mind until events sort of forced them to be. Apparently he felt comfortable and accepted in NASCAR, and didn’t even recognize race as a reason to have felt excluded. He used a program that was

Silent Planet is fantastic live!  Now I just want to chat with him about his metal tastes.

Now playing

Deus & Mero did a nice interview with him.

back then, those things couldnt really move quick enough to kill ya anyways. it’s like aircraft back in the early 1900's pilots crashed them all the time, got out, dusted themselves off, and hitchhiked back home.

“Otherwise, there’s going to be a ton of people that actually use these trucks as, well, trucks, that are gonna hate these things.”

You mean outlaw star. Down to the frozen girl.

Cowboy Bebop is middling tv-grade sci-fi whose main female character is a cheesecake delivery mechanism. Apart from the stylish intro and amazing soundtrack, it would do nothing to disabuse a non-fan that anime is just porn and spaceships for 13-year-old boys. And that’s before you get to the episode where every black

He jumped out to save Erik Comas during qualifying, not an actual race. No disrespect to Senna that’s just the facts.

It would be as insane as starting a quintology, and then waiting a 12(+) years to release the second film.

Do people really care what some baseball player thinks?

Ah, I see now. Read that wrong, my bad.

I’ll give you the first part with the exception of look at how his attitude and outlook changed when he got to Renault. That was a sign that some burden was lifted off his shoulders.  I don’t think he would be happy for very long unless the new regulations put Ferrari in legitimate striking distance of them having a

Ferrari could pull up Magnussen from Haas, go out to the mountain cabin and find Hülkenberg chopping wood, or go for the wildcard Spaniard who isn’t under contract with McLaren anymore:

Considering that Ricciardo went to Renault because he saw something in them that seemed promising (who wouldn’t want to leave Red Bull btw), I don’t know if he would be the one to be willing to jump on getting into the Ferrari life style with how his personality is. But I think between him and LeClerc they would kill

Yes this. By killing herself she gives up her found family. Natasha wasn’t the think Hawkeye loves the most. Her new found life was what Nat loved most and she gives that away.

I think the subtext is that Natasha loves the Avengers as her family, and is sacrificing herself for them. She is doing the opposite of what Thanos did, which was a selfish act.

Is racing against the clock, rather than wheel to wheel, not racing?