
I won’t fight you or anybody else on this, but the way I understood the time travel rules, one only creates a splinter timeline if one changes something that changes the way things happened from ones own perspective. That’s a necessity for one keep existing, his original timeline has to remain, so the splint.

Also, Spiderman has been dead for five years, yet still has all the exact same classmates he had pre-snap.

One Sam Jackson stare is worth a thousand words.

Every Drax scene in GotG.

For me the funniest bit in the whole MCU is when Mads Mikkelson first meets Doctor Strange.

Thor’s arrival in Wakanda is the single most thrilling moment in Infinity War and probably the whole franchise to date. 

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Before we start, does anyone want to get off?

My favorite moment from that movie is Winter Soldier ripping the steering wheel out of a moving car. Crazy.

“I am Groot.”

I will say that Black Widow’s reveal near the end of Winter Soldier is one of my favorites, particularly considering she’s pretending to be Jenny Agutter, which is epic casting in its own right.

What I keep coming back to in this scene is how frightened Peter is despite the fact he is the only one there with super powers. Peter could destroy Toomes, yet Toomes is so intimidating that he can’t even move, and it totally works. Fantastic scene from Keaton and Holland.

Tony ending his press conference with “I am Iron Man.”

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I think this scene is a far better Vulture scene.

I can sum up exactly why the PT Cruiser sucks. It is owned by batshit crazy people. There is a house not too far away from me that has two PT Cruisers in the driveway. One of them is decorated to be a “zombie emergency response vehicle” and the other has ugly-ass smoothie hubcaps on it to make it look more retro. This

Say what you will about the hatch, but the convertible. No... the convertible can go fuck itself forever.

The film takes great care to be the narrative’s zenith as well as reward to fans who have spent the last 11 years watching Marvel movies by packing in countless nods and payoffs—narratively, visually, as well as sonically—to those previous 21 films.

Sure - like they didn’t know this was going on, and they fire the shlub at the bottom of the ladder. I guess in today’s amersica that passes as “taking responsibility”.

Wow, the dealership took responsibility. I did not see that coming.

Wrangler, Mustang, and Miata all say hi.

It’s not just the light outside, but also inside that makes a big difference, like in-dash led displays. I drive a 2002 vehicle and have no problem seeing at night with 20-year-old headlight technology...until some bro in a lifted truck passes me, then I can’t see shit for at least 10 seconds.