He’d make a pretty large target, is why. Like hitting the broad side of a barn.
He’d make a pretty large target, is why. Like hitting the broad side of a barn.
Talk about a low bar, though!
On coke he’d be better than Rick Perry.
That is Gingrich’s (third) wife, which when I heard that, I thought I was being punked.
Wait, wasn’t Huntsman supposed to be ambassador to Russia? I mean, I guess SoS is a promotion, but then you have to deal with the Orange Menace on a daily basis.
Yes, Lavrov is laughing at us, unabashedly. It is pretty easy to make the US and the press look like idiots who have no idea what’s going on. So effing embarassing.
Or Michael Keaton.
Three more words: Amsterdam, the Netherlands. That is the most peeing-in-public place I’ve ever lived in.
I thought Roma was the correct term, but check out TLC’s My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding sometime. They call themselves Gypsies.
Right. I mean, scary when we have the Tea Party to thank for this, but these are the times we’re living in.
The Art of the Schlemiel.
So, the St. Elsewhere Administration?
Right? I just saw a news story about how the shrimping industry will lose approx. $1 million/day, because they can’t get foreign workers and U.S. citizens will not take these jobs.
And graduated from Harvard, cum laude.
So you’re saying he wants to be one of the Village People, basically.
Well, she sucks at it then, because the Circus Peanut, Miller, Bannon, Conway, Ryan and McConnell are still extant, and that is just scraping the surface of the swamp dwellers.
How is a dude who is 81 and in not-good health getting a life insurance policy that covers suicide, anyway?
Many of the deaths connected to Putin were officially called “suicides” and “heart attacks”, which is where I imagine this is coming from.
It wasn’t “his” to hand over.