
At this point, he needs as many lawyers as possible around him.

This guy will win because there was a “R” next to his name, period. The Republicans don’t want or like this guy - he only reluctantly supported the dirty Traffic Cone when it became apparent it would help his cause, and he would NOT (and ergo, choking he Guardian reporter) support the Republican health (cough) care

Yes, that’s what 538 is reporting (although, given what happened in November ...).

Do you watch Southern Charm? Thomas Ravenel ran for the Senate, because with his felony conviction, that was basically the only elective office open to him!

Fewer deadbeats on Medicare and Social Security; fewer losers who need Obummercare!

Duct tape would work, also.

It is! The Office and the Man are legally distinct.

WH Counsel doesn’t represent the Circus Peanut in his personal capacity. Not to mention thus far he seems wildly ineffective and/or incapable.

Dropped on his goddamn head.

Ask Chicagoans how well selling off the parking meter system has worked for them. Go ahead.

And research. Don’t forget about research. BYE FELICIA.

Low energy God!

I disagree with your posr! Let’s fight.

Yeah and you got like 15 minutes to fix it or no mas.

Hahahaha what? Wait.

Rachel is my northstar these days and I did not know about the Ailes connection, FiN.

Comey’s got bodyguards. I read somewhere one of them is actually 6'10", so taller than him, even.


Well, dammit, I was only talking about - you know -candies! Works for that too, I guess!

I just noticed that - like WTFingF? Did Cheetolini decree her boobies must fly free?