
At some point I hoped the Mormons would get on board with how hideous the Circus Peanut was, and do something about it. This asshole did that for about 30 seconds before he went back to sucking. So my general distrust of the LDS has been confirmed; you are not a moral bunch and this ass is the lowest of the low

Rock on.

A recovering Michigander and the daughter of a teacher in the public schools (42 years) I will third it.

OOH thanks! I was about to post a link to that monstrosity.

They’re going to have a lot of cash on hand that otherwise would have gone to their health insurance premiums.

I think you mean, no more orange presidents.

No plan involving listening to the Reverend Al Green can fail.

No plan involving listening to the Reverend Al Green can fail.

I pray for it. The worst thing now would be if all this shit with Russia and the hookers just, you know, goes away. The way all the other shit about him has.

Don’t forget, despite what he’d have people think, he left UPenn/Wharton with a BS (insert joke here) and only spent 2 years there - he transferred from Fordham. So he does not have a Wharton MBA.

Jesus, I shouldn’t be laughing at some of this stuff but I cannot stop giggling!

Looking out for Number One!

That’s right! Instead we need more LAWS!

She is certainly loaded now! THANKS NBC.

Dead on. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry, so instead I will star.

But do yourself a favor and DO NOT READ THE COMMENTS.

To be fair, the Circus Peanut did buy a new chin for Ivanka. When is it Tiffany’s turn?

Michigan, I swear, is its own Special Case. Thank you Uncle Ted, and the Michigan Militia for continuing this foolishness.

I’m sorry. I put mine in a nursing home in January.