
Hey! Will those dudes with Kellyanne be imprisoned and/or deported for desecrating the flag?

Every time Kellyanne Conway speaks, a bird flies into a window.

I was sure it was champagne and fairy dust, personally.

Excellent sleuthing, thanks!

Its been reported Trump doesn’t drink alcohol, though! And I am sure Jean-Georges doesn’t have white zinfandel on their menu, even if he did.

With that group, you know there was no fawncy wine ordered!

After Kellyanne’s rants about Romney over they weekend, and the fact that Breitbart is losing its collective (cough) mind - wouldn’t it be rich if, after all of Mitt’s groveling, Trump decides to stick it to him and give the job to someone else?

Thank you - Romney will be 73 in 2020. Not happening.

This, exactly. I watched Mitt’s remarks after that dinner and was all like, “what, did someone drop Mitt Romney on his head?” I mean.

Marriage gets you legal residency, not citizenship.


Sure he does! One of Killery’s victims!

Ironic because at least in theory, Melania could have had her citizenship revoked due to her visa hijinks.

Pretty sure that was photoshopped.

No goiter. No goiter. YOU’RE the goiter.

Except the same First Amendment that protects flag burning* as speech also protects the Alt-Right and Neo Nazi assholes and lets THEM have their say. That’s how free speech works!

Or being in the Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts!

What job did she want though? Or is she mad Ivanka grabbed the “Substitute FLOTUS” role before she could?

Absolutely! Thanks for more cogently stating my issue with these people.

TBH, the GOP didn’t “pick” Trump. Unless you mean voters in the Republican primaries.