
I KNEW IT! The idjits who were conflating the server issue with Wikileaks. All they heard was emails! emails! emails!

Oh good for Katherine! (I used to work with her).

Right. See also, the tradition of presidential candidates disclosing their tax returns.

Lauren, you may want to fix this typo (unless I really don’t understand the jobs of government officials):

If by “asshattery” you mean his “art”, I fully concur.

Sorry, I believe Omorosa has claimed the one seat reserved for that.

That may be required in order to participate in any negotiated settlement. Fairly standard, IMO. Along with the defendant not admitting any guilt in exchange for the settlement.

Speaking thereof, would the Republicans quit mentioning that XXX policy or XXX person will MAKE THE TRAINS RUN ON TIME?

Aunt Pittipat FTW!

His campaign and the RNC certainly did, though. Remember the last batch of crap released by Wikileaks was mostly John Podesta’s emails (including his risotto recipe).

During that time, I saw photos of men who are Trump’s claimed 6'3" (or was it 6'4"?) and around 237 lbs.

Oh the Dutch have those too (the ledge)! Very disconcerting.

Coconut water is the devil’s own beverage, though. It tastes like colonoscopy prep (which, hey! on topic!).

Yes, but the plaintiff class has to agree to accept that.

Civil suit. No one is going to jail.

Illinois had a governor who did not move to Springfield, once elected, instead continuing to live in his Chicago home.

You sir, have outed yourself as a crossword puzzler with “ukases”. That alone is worth a star.

Good for you, and if you can get through this drug free, you can do anything!

Meteor? I relatively small one might work. I am fine with having to rebuild part of the White House or Congress.