No, Antonio!

But will the game cheat when we all agree that last enemy attack was BS and will it forget to do certain stages of upkeep because the game got a little too drunk?

The digital version still has advantages despite being a faithful adaptation. You don’t have to manually set up scenarios. The game does all the work of managing enemy actions and any specific rules they have.

If you need a thesaurus for feckless and craven, you really shouldn’t be passing judgment on people who don’t.

It does, and like you, I don’t see that as a bad thing, even if it is kinda shitty for the mega-stars not to be able to earn what they’re worth. (Yes, they can get it in other ways. And also yes, politically, I would not argue the same way for other high earners; sports is a weird bubble.)

Not wrong, but uhh... violent attacks by unhinged psychos happen much, much, much, much more frequently in America.

In fairness, a hard cap dosent necessarily mean less money, it depends on all the other terms. For exampme, if the hard cap apportioned 65% of league revenue to players instead of the present 50%ish, the hard cap would almost certainly be rendered onot nearly as significant as the increawed “size of the income pie”

I doubt he’ll be there the whole season...give Miami a couple months before they realize that adding him gives them a much better shot and they relent on the draft picks.  I don’t think the trade got hung up over the Thunder wanting the Heat to be bad, rather not wanting to have to give up protections or give back

It is true that salary goes to players, and that includes the amount of salary over the cap. That much is correct. But that only means that those individual players are making more money.

At least someone gets it. This entire article is very dumb because it does not address the fact that the most basic part of the CBA is that the total salary of all players is fixed. Changing the salary cap structure doesn’t save the owners money as long as that is true.

the owners seized the opportunity to leverage the “super-team” boogeyman in the ensuing round of bargaining, with themselves positioned as parity’s noble defenders.

The problem with the supermax is that the true superstars like LeBron and KD will still be underpaid and generate enough off-court money that they’d rather have the flexibility to play where they want, with whom they want.

For “stars,” players #10-20 who aren’t good enough to be leading stars on a championship team,

NBA economics are weird and we should probably figure out how this works before we go yelling about this stuff as though the NBA economy functions in the same way as the NFL and MLB do and calling people stooges for ownership.

He’s eligible for a bigger max after 10 years in the league. He’s currently at 8. There’s no way he was signing anything other than a 2+1 no matter what team he signed with. 

5K would have been tempting but not 1500 though. I fly premium economy back and forth to Frankfurt for work. No way do I want to ever experience economy on a flight like that unless it’s my only choice. Or I get offered enough money to forget about feeling like a sardine for 9 hours. 

That’s a 100% increase in arrows. That’s huge, whereas a level 9 spell is only a 12.5% increase from level 8.

Plain and simple, unless you’re passing, stay the fuck out of the left lane. 

That’s what they use for their sting operations.

I bet the unit is corrupt and racist. 

If you’re going to be delusional why can’t you just delusion up a Toronto sweep for me?

Yeah, cause we all know the place a school shooter is gonna make his threats are in a poorly-worded and clearly joke craigslist ad. The police (shockingly) made the right call here - this is nothing. The only reason “loss of students coming up” jumped out at me was because of how poorly worded it was.