No, Antonio!

What else are you going to do?  Work?  

They know you’re running the football, so you lose three, four yards, so that wasn’t even in our process as coaches to think about that.

MLB instructed the home team to wear alternate jerseys so the president is the only obvious white national in the stadium.

Revenge is a Darvish best served cold.

C&C: Red Alert >>> C&C

Fight me

(I am ridiculously excited for these remasters)

Yes, Kyrie was good Kyrie tonight and got 50.

Not to be outdone, Andy Reid will try something similar next week and somehow give his opponent a minute back on the clock. 

C’mon Joe, he’s not dead. I’m going to assume he’s still a good husband and father, if he was before last night.

If he’s comparing himself to Banksy because he also destroys things around him to make his work look good, then I would agree.

I mean, yes it won’t “count” because it would be unfair to count that time right alongside people who ran their times without the advantages he had, but he still *did* it. I don’t think the home run derby is the correct comparison at all. Pitchers in the HR derby are *trying* to throw you balls you can hit a HR off

Running a marathon distance is sort of the definition of running a marathon. 

To quietly snuff out any direct pushback against a clear reporting mistake—is a cowardly move.”

Completely apart from the moral principles of the situation, I really think Silver needs to double down and tell the Chinese to go fuck themselves. The NBA is obviously the best professional basketball league in the world, and by an enormous margin. Silver has real leverage because he has a monopoly on the product

India shouldn’t be part of the conversation with China. In India, press and people can call the government (and the Prime Minister) whatever they want to just like in US and other Western countries. Any criticism is considered fair game. There is no censorship, markets are much more open and travel is open.

Manic Pixie Dream Goose

Obviously she has a good rapport with the team, or at least they think so, but this made me feel uncomfortable from start to finish. Has a rapey frat house feel to it.

I didn’t watch any of them because Twitter is blocked at work, but the gif in the header was enough to make me feel uncomfortable. I know there’s a certain degree of “friendly fire” to be expected in these situations, but there’s a pretty hard line between taking a couple small splashes and maybe a couple direct hits,

Oh cool, we’re televising textbook sexual harassment now. She was being a sport because she’d like to keep her job, not because she likes to take part in a wet tshirt contest on TV

Thanks for at least acknowledging it here. Watching most of those made me feel super uncomfortable for her.

Yeah, this has a distinctly non-consensual feel to it. She is literally there as a requirement of her job. Kudos to her (i guess?) for being a good sport about it but it feels real yucky to watch the video of enormous men wearing face covering goggles drenching a single, totally unprotected woman with alcohol.