No, Antonio!

I woulda guessed a kidney stone.

What is it with moms and talking during movies? My mom often whispers questions about plot points. Like, I have the exact same amount of information you do, lady! I don’t know! Perhaps watching how the plot plays out will answer all of your questions!

See what happens when some Glory Boy doesn’t understand the history of the situation and instead tries to make the game all about him by daring to get on base??

Man, motherfuck baseball, sometimes.

“If it’s ok to shift with a 7-run lead, then it’s definitely ok to bunt.”

They key to capturing an old mmo’s magic is not by recreating the grind, but by creating those stakes, and by creating a world that isn’t efficient. Add elements to the world that are completely unnecessary, but make up the beauty of the game. I look to vanilla everquest as a world as my guide (certainly not it’s

Ahhhh, waiting 6 hours for the friggin’ cyclops to spawn in Karana only to have some dingus kill him before me. Got me them pre-nerf Jboots after a few weeks of sittin’ and spinnin’. MISS U EQ

I really wish that Deadspin had gone with a less detailed version of something like this rather then its original condescending “LOL, Americans don’t get cricket!” take when this story first broke. Yeah, there are some deep details from this that explain the exact effects sought by the Australian bowler, and cricket

“Sigh. Just like every year.”

Fuck Bombay for running a god awful neutral zone trap, are we actively trying to get people to hate hockey?

Cake Eater does not equal Pussy Eater. It’s an insult on class, I’m pretty sure. Here are the ducks, a city team playing against what most Minnesotans would recognize as like the Edina or Eden Prairie (snooty rich suburbs) of their league.

Seriously. I have no problem going to work in the dark, but going home when it’s already night out? Depressing as hell.

That’s more a function of your latitude. It stays that light in the summer in Fargo and Minneapolis.

Nah, because the straw is only the plastic part. The ‘hole’ is just the empty space INSIDE the straw, not part of the straw itself.

On the list of things and people who have enabled Donald Trump, Tiger Woods playing golf with him is very far down.

Life went on after MJ. I’m thinking we may be okay after LeBron.

It’s a natural evolution of technology. Same reason why we moved away from fax machines, manual flight check-ins and so on. We also need it because people are horrible at driving when we think about it. 100 years from now, we might not even have traffic lights because cars would be able to communicate with each other

My search brought back different results:

either way, they’re delicious

“Take my head coach...out back, and shoot him in the head. Please.”