No, Antonio!

If not a scale problem, this point seems the most plausible:

Nah, no matter where you are in the world, dicks should be measured in inches. It’s, like, a rule.

I would have guessed they made 10% or better. 3% seems like a pretty good deal.

Because I’ve spent far too much time thinking about this, that’s one part that doesn’t fit into my “not that much coke” theory. Dudes that end up at the top of billion dollar companies aren’t the type to get freaked out by a little extortion attempt. They rucking ruin whomever it trying to do the extorting.

If the quantity involved is that petty there wouldn’t be much to extort him about. Does one guy who wants to get high one evening need more than a couple hundred bucks of coke? No, I think we’re talking about much, much larger quantities here, or else something else significantly nastier.

Judge Violates Gag Order

This was in Loo’seyanna, right? I’m impressed that McKnight wasn’t posthumously charged with destruction of property for what his body did to those bullets.

There’s definitely more to this story. For starters, how can your dealer extort you? A guy at Skipper’s level is dealing with a specialized kind of dealer, definitely one that is referral only, so if he threatens one of his clients he’s really endangering his entire client base. Nobody would trust them, thus they

If they’re doing coke in Bristol, why is the programming so goddamn lame?


In a game where you literally go to other’s too much of a stretch to think Geralt could end up in the Soul Calibur world?

I was going to comment, “If I tell you that Bill Simmons has been hammering this idea for like four years will you hate it instead?”

The fans would also decide to call the format “Playoffy McPlayoffface”.

Hes gonna miss a field goal in the NFC Championship

Man, think of that, think how strong you would have to be to pick up the average green bay packers fan.

Great point! Good thing we’ve seen such level-headed behavior from police officers in the past 200 years. Clearly this works.

I would have given my left nut to escape a few hours of wedding planning, the fuck is Turner complaining about.

Did Otani ask Kershaw and Turner to interrupt their wedding and anniversary planning meetings? Or did the Dodgers ask them to do that?

“All I wanna know is, did your mother suck up on some toes?”

I just don’t see the logic here. How does an absurd (and illegal, if you’re talking about the context of a job interview, which the combine effectively is) question in a room with a few assholes in it correspond to having your performance on the field scrutinized by the media or a fanbase?