No, Antonio!

Cleric all the way for me. Only full caster that starts out with heavy armor proficiency depending on the subcless you pick, has way more flexibility in terms of spell selection since you can prepare any spell on your spell list, and you get my favorite spell in the game Spirit Guardians.

“[Bards]They’re a good class for natural-born storytellers who don’t play D&D for the combat.”

ABB: Always be Bardin’.

Step 2: Realize that Step 1 doesn’t apply in 5e and roll a bard because they kick ass now. My bard is the MVP of the night more often than anyone else in the group.

Oh I didn’t go to class. Just the games.

We get it man, you went to college. Stop rubbing it in our faces.

I’m not sure John Calipari can afford to pay both freshmen and sophomores.

Destiny 2 is serving as an example of how making your game more approachable can screw you if you aren’t willing to escalate gameplay complexity. Yes, it might bring in more players in the beginning, but approachable systems quickly turn into boring systems that novice players leave after a month or two, leaving you

Something funny happens when you right click and search google for image.

ESPN was correct in a Feb. 24 SportsCenter video talk back

It’s not any scarier than ballistic missiles. Shh, I’m going to let you in on a little secret, missile defense doesn’t work. It doesn’t work in boost phase. It doesn’t work in midcourse. It doesn’t work in terminal phase. It may be able to shoot down a single missile if we know it’s coming. It has no chance against

Putin, whose prior training and lifelong playbook includes the art of using disinformation to manipulate people, released a terrifying animation that was, coincidentally, powered by the same computers used to create some of the visual effects sequences in Return of the Jedi.

Well, if Putin promises to nuke only Florida, then maybe we can work something out...?

You used to have to be on a legitimate contender. Then we gave it to Westbrook because large counting stats, so I’m not sure what the criteria is anymore.

What the hell is “the full n-word?”

private corporations like Facebook and Twitter? (yes, I understand the limits of the First Amendment, but let’s not pretend that these corporations are not publicly subsidized

Thoughts and prayers

[Bill Polian’s Inner Monologue: Ahhhhh, okay Bill, don’t say because he’s black, whatever you do, do NOT say it is because he’s black!]

No. Stop right now. We don’t need better controllers. Your basic DualShock 2 was about 95% perfect. Any attempt to get that last 5% perfection inevitably makes things worse.