No, Antonio!

Goddamnit, now I have to choose between supporting the NFL and supporting Trump.

what’s amazing is that it’s this—money getting funneled to the athletes—that took him down. Not the two major sex scandals. Using and destroying the lives of anybody who touches a major program is OK according to the morals of the NCAA. but pass money to an “amateur” athlete? we’ll drag you to the guillotine for that,

Not a surprising statement from the Seahawks. Additionally, their head coach would like to add that he continues to question the pretense of some of the sacrifices made by the armed forces on his behalf.

Probably because he didn’t pull the “aw shucks” personality that Adrian Peterson does in the rare media appearances he has. Moss was front and center because he was such a transcendent player. He didn’t suffer idiots and figured it would be enough to let his play speak for itself. As we’ve seen, this is not the way

For proof of this, I offer up Adrian Peterson. Child abusing cheating on his wife 7 kids by different strippers spread out over the nation gets McDonald’s employee fired by insisting they open up bathroom for him at 3 am caught going 100 miles per hour in the suburbs and of course the camel photos. I can’t explain why

It’s turning down movie roles and looking for off broadway productions.

I honestly believe that he could go anywhere, and they’d get over it as long as the team didn’t completely crater. What got people crazy about him wasn’t just what he was saying, it was the perceived presumption of doing it while you were sitting on the bench. Nobody cares that Marshawn Lynch is sitting down because

Sam Bradford’s Knee Injury Is Starting To Seem Serious

You’re like the 4th ‘That Guy’ i’ve seen today. Is it an official holiday?

But if you’re early warning system gets taken out without an early warning, then it wasn’t very much of an early warning system. That’s actually the entire point of an early warning system.  

The Stallion who gets mounted by the World.

Still butthurt my Wolves would trade such a beautiful, beautiful man for so little.

After Hayward left, Utah needed the Christopher Nolan gritty reboot.

He looks like a Dothraki power bottom.

Just tried to make a video game because I saw the headline and was like “oh, it can’t be that hard,” but you’re right, it’s SUPER fuckin hard! I gave up already.

Did anyone bone?

He replied to me a few times, I replied back to him a few times. He apparently felt calling him “the dumbest person alive” was a bridge too far and today, The Incline, a site in Pittsburgh I wrote for once a week during the hockey season last year of which he’s the CEO, informed me they couldn’t use me next season

The only reason anyone thinks this guy is a piss-poor corporate shill of a public editor is because the media’s reporting that he’s simultaneously serving as a corporate exec who fires people for taking reasonably accurate positions from their personal Twitter accounts.

never edit publicly

I think Charmin Sandiego is a better name than The Mad Pooper.

Is she related to Mike Huckabee? Because she’s a terrible human being and she shares her maiden name with him.