No, Antonio!

I believe the correct plural is Steves Smith.

Or no one has a gun and no one dies. Like in other countries with rational gun laws.

I’m pretty sure he died of cancer. There was a whole movie about it- Ryan’s Vogelsong.

Man, McGwire/Sosa was a kind of mass delusion, but Barry Bonds’ chase was the most joyless late-summer ever. Kind of like closing on your new McMansion you couldn’t afford in May of 2008.

No, but every bullet is inscribed with “shot from my Hard Light”.

Ok, if Milwaukee is your idea of hell, then you are going to shit in your britches when you hear about Gary, Indiana.

“Alexa, who is John Galt?”

Which is crazy considering everyone who’s not there.

“That’s, ah...I guess 3rd and long.”

The REAL problem is that the price of games has held steady at $60 despite inflation and the rising cost of game development. $60 is pretty expensive to begin with, so it’s hard to imagine that changing, but this is unsustainable!

So what they’re mad with is they use to be infinite use items and they’re not now, right? Because as a Diablo 3 player, I have no issue with this. If you wanted to customize your look in D3, you paid in-game currency to do so. If you wanted to change colors, you bought one-time use bottles of dye to do so. Need to

It’s tricky to claim he fit the description of the shooter if there was no shooter.

I’m cool with any cop with their body camera turned off for no reason being guilty until proven innocent. If they can turn them off and have zero repercussions when doing so then what’s the point of them?

Yeah you are probably right, but I’m sure a shit ton of Seattle folk are pissed they don’t have a team regardless.

Hey, you may not have meant it this way, but your comment could also be applied to the sex act aka intercourse.

He is such a no, No, NO NO NO...YES! player. I love him.

Baez is slashing .291/.342/.539 with 10 homers since the All-Star Break while filling in full-time at Short (and doing a damn fine job of it). also, he’s fun as shit to watch and routinely infuriates and thrills depending on the game or shit, even the inning. Strike out on a slider 3 feet outside the zone? hit a 400

I stopped. It’s easy.

The thing that really irritates me about the whole Littlefinger plot is how pointless it was. They didn’t entrap him in any way, or use it to uncover incriminating evidence. They had exactly the same evidence against him as they had in the second episode, and could have dealt with him then. Their devious, time